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George Harrison - "George Harrison" (Remastered) [Full Album] Empty George Harrison - "George Harrison" (Remastered) [Full Album]

Mensaje por Admin Sáb Dic 01, 2012 8:48 pm

George Harrison - "George Harrison" (Remastered) [Full Album]

01. 00:00 "Love Comes to Everyone"
02. 04:34 "Not Guilty"
03. 08:14 "Here Comes the Moon"
04. 13:00 "Soft-Hearted Hana"
05. 17:03 "Blow Away"
06. 21:07 "Faster"
07. 25:52 "Dark Sweet Lady"
08. 29:14 "Your Love Is Forever"
09. 33:02 "Soft Touch"
10. 37:02 "If You Believe"
11. 39:59 "Here Comes the Moon" (Demo Version) [Bonus Track]

George Harrison is the eponymous album release by George Harrison in 1979, his seventh studio album. It was recorded during a period of domestic happiness in which Harrison married Olivia Trinidad Arias and his son Dhani was born.

With Harrison's penchant for leisure and travel following Thirty Three & 1/3's release, he had not started recording a follow-up until mid-1978, although he had been writing songs during his hiatus. Teaming up with a co-producer for the first time in years, Harrison decided to use Russ Titelman to help realize the music for George Harrison, which was recorded at his home studio, entitled Friar Park, with string overdubs being effected at London's AIR Studios. Special guests included Steve Winwood, Gary Wright (who co-wrote "If You Believe") and Eric Clapton.

The album was previewed by the single "Blow Away", which reached #51 in the United Kingdom and #16 in the United States. George Harrison received positive reviews upon its February 1979 release. It reached #39 in the UK and it peaked at #14 in the US, going gold. "Blow Away" as a single was also successful in Canada, peaking at #7 on the singles chart. Harrison's increasing efforts, however, were being directed towards the film industry, having formed Handmade Films in order to help his friends in Monty Python complete Life of Brian.

Three of the songs from the eponymous album were included on Harrison's Best of Dark Horse 1976--1989 compilation: "Blow Away," an edited version of "Here Comes the Moon," and the single edit version of "Love Comes to Everyone." "Blow Away" was also included in the career-spanning compilation Let It Roll: Songs by George Harrison.

In 2004, George Harrison was remastered and reissued both separately and as part of the deluxe box set The Dark Horse Years 1976-1992 on Dark Horse with new distribution by EMI, adding the bonus track demo version of "Here Comes the Moon", recorded just after it was written in Hawaii.

Cantidad de envíos : 13078
Puntos : 38138
Reputación : 226
Fecha de inscripción : 14/06/2009
Edad : 73
Localización : Miami

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