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John Lennon The Man, the Memory - Last Interview Special - Dec. 8th 1980 Empty John Lennon The Man, the Memory - Last Interview Special - Dec. 8th 1980

Mensaje por Admin Vie Ene 10, 2014 12:46 pm

On December 8, 1980, Dave Sholin and his RKO Radio crew interviewed John Lennon and Yoko Ono at their Dakota Apartment in Manhattan for over three hours. Tragically, it would be Lennon's very last interview—not one of the last—the last. He was shot dead just hours later in the very entryway of the building that Sholin and his crew had just left. Shot dead by a "fan" whom they had seen hanging around the Dakota as they left.

Sholin would receive the news after landing in San Francisco. The most incredible day of his life suddenly turned into a nightmare. Now that he had Lennon's last words in his hands, some of which were incredibly prophetic, his day lasted another three without sleep. He immediately was summoned to the station for live on-camera interviews with every news program including Good Morning America, which was going live at 4am PST (7am EST) to talk about John Lennon's tragic murder and the legacy he had left behind. The world was in deep mourning.

RKO Radio had planned to put together a fully produced radio program on Lennon based on this interview that would air the following month, but now they had just four days to get this out to a grieving public.


Cantidad de envíos : 13078
Puntos : 38133
Reputación : 226
Fecha de inscripción : 14/06/2009
Edad : 73
Localización : Miami

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