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Mensaje por Admin Jue Ago 28, 2014 7:28 am

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Crests-1a

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Aprons-1m

Cantidad de envíos : 13078
Puntos : 38179
Reputación : 226
Fecha de inscripción : 14/06/2009
Edad : 73
Localización : Miami

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Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Empty Grado 4 Maestro Secreto

Mensaje por Admin Jue Ago 28, 2014 7:31 am

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Grau-4

O Grau 4, o de Mestre Secreto, é uma continuação do 3 (Mestre Maçom). O candidato (Mestre Maçom) é levado vendado à Loja de Perfeição, onde é Iniciado neste Grau.
O Grau é dedicado por excelência ao sigilo e ao segredo, e por todo o seu desenrolar chora-se a morte por assassinato do Mestre Hiram. Os culpados ainda não foram punidos, encontrando-se foragidos.
É um Grau Bíblico-Místico-Lendário. O Mestre Secreto é recebido debaixo do loureiro e da oliveira onde, em companhia dos Irmãos, derrama lágrimas ao deparar-se com o túmulo de Hiram.

1 – Ornamentação da Loja

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Quarto-grau
A Loja é decorada em preto, com lágrimas brancas e representa o Sanctum e o Sanctum- Sanctorum do Templo de Jerusalém. No Oriente encontramos a Arca da Aliança, o Altar dos Perfumes, o Altar dos Pães da Proposição, o Candelabro de 7 velas (menorá), a Urna do Maná e o Bastão de Aarão. (Detalhes extraídos da Bíblia.)
O Venerável (Três vezes Poderoso Mestre) e há apenas um Vigilante, uma vez que Hiram está morto e ainda não foi substituído.

3 – Insígnias do Mestre Secreto

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Avental – Branco com o cordão e debrum negro, com ramos entrelaçados de oliveira e laurel com a letra Z no meio.
Na abeta azul tem um olho sobre fundo radiante, na cor dourada.

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Fita – Fita azul, forrada de negro, colocada a tiracolo e tendo como Jóia uma chave de marfim com a letra Z.
A Jóia do Mestre Secreto está inteiramente de acordo com as prescrições do Grau. A chave é o principal Símbolo do silêncio e da discrição e o marfim é um Símbolo de poder, da pureza e da sabedoria.

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A letra Z é a inicial da Palavra de Passe, que por sua vez também é uma espécie de chave que abre a Loja ao Mestre Secreto.
Indumentária – Todos os Irmãos estarão vestidos de preto.

Grau 5: Mestre Perfeito


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Trata-se de um Grau considerado intermediário, uma vez que é transmitido por comunicação. A parte esotérica do Grau refere-se à tradição israelita e salomônica e os trabalhos desenvolvem-se num novo aprofundamento e detalhamento da Lenda de Hiram. Desta vez é a transladação dos restos mortais de Hiram para o túmulo definitivo, cuja construção consumiu sete anos.

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Todos os trabalhadores do Templo de Jerusalém param os seus trabalhos para participar dos funerais do Mestre Hiram, que, com muita pompa, ganha tumba definitiva e é sepultado junto com um triângulo de ouro onde estava escrita a sua parte da Palavra Sagrada e agora perdida.
Enfim, o Grau 5, Mestre Perfeito, é uma extensão dos Graus 3 e 4.

1 – Ornamentação da Loja

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Grau-5
A Loja é decorada com cor verde e apresenta quatro Colunas em cada canto, representando o mausoléu de Hiram.

3 – Insígnias do Mestre Perfeito

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Avental – De cor branca com a abeta verde. No corpo há três círculos concêntricos com uma Pedra Cúbica no centro contendo as letras IOD.
Fita – Fita verde a tiracolo com a Jóia do Mestre Perfeito formada de um
Compasso aberto sobre um segmento de círculo. O Compasso está aberto em 60 graus.
Na verdade, a Jóia do Mestre Perfeito tem muito pouco a ver com o Grau, sua história, desenrolar e filosofia, ao contrário do que ocorre com a Jóia do Grau de Mestre Secreto.
Indumentária – Todos os Irmãos estarão vestidos de preto.

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Grau 6: Secretário Íntimo


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Também conhecido como mestre da serpente de bronze.
É também um Grau intermediário e igualmente transmitido por comunicação, tratando-se de um Grau Bíblico cujo tema foi eleito no primeiro livro de Reis.
Salomão havia prometido a Hiram, rei de Tiro (não confundir com Hiram Abi ou Hiram), que, após a conclusão do Templo de Jerusalém, seria recompensado com vinte cidades que ficavam na região de Cabul na Galiléia (Palestina).
Após as exéquias de Hiram, Hiram (Rei de Tiro) resolveu sigilosamente verificar as cidades oferecidas por Salomão. Não agradou aos seus olhos o que viu. As cidades eram deploráveis e o povo, ignorante.
Este havia fornecido materiais e mão-de-obra para o templo e, julgando-se enganado por Salomão, voltou a Jerusalém e, tomado pelo ímpeto, foi diretamente à Câmara Real para tirar satisfações.
Joabem, um dos funcionários preferidos de Salomão, vendo-o passar assim arrebatado, temeu pela vida de seu rei. Resolveu assim seguir a Hiram, onde, oculto, velaria pela segurança de Salomão.
O Rei de Tiro descobriu Joabem e exigiu de Salomão uma punição, pois considerou o ato como espionagem desrespeitosa.
Salomão acalmou-o dizendo que as cidades seriam reformadas antes da entrega e deu conta da dignidade e integridade de Joabem.
Hiram compreendeu e pediu a Salomão que Joabem fosse escolhido para secretariar o tratado que em breve iriam assinar.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Hiramabiff
Hirão foi rei de Tiro no período de David e Salomão, segundo relatos bíblicos de II Samuel 5:11. Quando David foi constituído rei de Israel, na idade de trinta e um anos, Hirão enviou mensageiros com madeira de cedro, carpinteiros e pedreiros que edificaram a Davi uma casa. Já no período do reinado de Salomão, Hirão manteve boas relações comerciais com Israel, e, em acordo comercial com Salomão, recebeu várias cidades em troca da provisão de ouro e pela madeira de cedro e cipreste que serviu para a construção do Templo de Salomão. As vinte cidades que Salomão deu a Hirão não o agradaram. Por esta razão, interpelou a Salomão: Que cidade são estas que me deste, irmão meu? A forma como Hirão interpelou Salomão reflete o significado do seu nome e o tipo de relação que mantinham esses dois personagens bíblicos. “Hirão é a forma abreviada de Airão, “irmão dum poderoso””. As cidades, por serem arenosas e improdutivas, foram denominadas Terra de Cabul. A terra, após vinte anos, foi restituída a Salomão e reconstruída para os israelitas.4 Wiersbe escreve que Salomão já possuía 3400 toneladas de ouro antes de começar a construir o templo, e considera uma surpresa tal empréstimo de 120 talentos (4 toneladas e meia) de ouro, e oferece a explicação: “todo o ouro, prata e materiais para o templo inventariados em I Crônicas 22:28 – 29 eram consagrados ao Senhor, de modo que não poderiam ser usados para qualquer outra construção. Isso significa que Salomão precisou de ouro para a construção do “palácio”, talvez para os escudos de ouro, de modo que tomou emprestado de Hirão, dando-lhe vinte cidades como garantia. Essas cidades ficavam em localização conveniente, na fronteira da Fenícia com a Galileia.”
1 – Ornamentação da Loja

O Templo decorado para este Grau representa a Câmara de Audiências do Rei Salomão. Deve ter cortinas vermelhas e no trono há duas cadeiras (para Salomão e Hiram, Rei de Tiro).
Sobre o trono há duas espadas e um rolo de pergaminho (tratado).

3 – Insígnias do Secretário Intimo

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Avental – Branco forrado e debruado de vermelho, contendo sobre a abeta um triângulo dourado.

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Fita – Fita a tiracolo de cor vermelho-vivo com a Jóia do Grau que são três triângulos entrelaçados.

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Grade 7: Provost and Judge

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For justice to continue with increasing strength and stamina to be distributed to the people, Solomon created a tribunal of judges and provosts. The first administer military justice; seconds, civil justice. This narrative was taken from the Bible, the books of Chronicles, Kings and Judges. Tito was the president of this council to be the prince of Harodins chiefs who worked in the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem.
Until then, the law was based on the Mosaic Law contained in the Pentateuch. The Board of Judges and provosts had the legislative power, that is, to create laws.
The function of the degree of Provost and Judge is at the heart of Initiates intuit the fixed idea of ​​justice and wisdom. In this Degree, everything revolves around the obligation to do justice. Too bad the communication is transmitted by Grau and his few sessions are held.

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King Solomon was wise, and a great jurist, closely linked to the ability to judge complex issues, was known for the case of two mothers and baby.

Ornamentation Store

The decor is red and the temple is lit by five lights, one at each corner and one in the center of the Temple.
The President is Tito and represents the Prince of Harodins.

3 - Insignia Provost and Judge

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 7

Apron - White in color and embroidered red. The body has a pocket and a red rosette.In Abeta has a key.
Tape - Tape bright red and the Jewel pending shoulder strap that is a key.
The pocket is to store the key of the casket of ebony, reservoir of minutes. The Jewel is consistent with the degree and its symbolism.
Outfit - All Brothers will be dressed in black.

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Grade 8: Superintendent of Buildings

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The big related buildings in the Old Testament, made by Solomon, for example, the House of the King and the Temple of Jerusalem, were over. The works were completed.Occurs that the Jewish people did not have a culture linked to the art of construction, since, in most cases, were ranchers. Solomon then thought of creating a School of Architecture to instruct the Jews in the craft of this art, because Solomon had interest in creating other constructs, eliminating the competition of foreigners, which were more expensive and merged with the Jewish people; altered her social and religious customs.
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Importantly, many of the foreigners who came to build the house of the King of Jerusalem and the Temple had during the 27 years that lasted the works, started a family and established his residence in Jerusalem. Among the provosts and Judges were selected Stewards of buildings.
The rank is transmitted by communication.

1 - Ornamentation Store

The shop is decorated in red and lit by three groups of five lights on the second Vigilante; seven before the first Vigilante; fifteen before the Venerable.
The President represents Solomon, the Senior Warden is Tito and the Junior Warden represents Adoniram.

3 - Insignia Intendant of Buildings
Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 8

Apron - White in color, trimmed with red and green embroidery. In the body there is a balance and a nine-pointed star. There Abeta in a triangle with the letters BAJ (initials Chorim Well, Achan and Jakinal).
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Tape - pending the Jewel Degree which is a triangle where one side are the words of Judah and Jah and other words Chorim Well, Achan and Jakinal red tape.
The Intendant of Buildings is also called Master in Israel. This Grade Brothers will be dressed in black.
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Grade 9: Master Elect of Nine

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 09degree
The Secret Master Degree, 4, is the first of the Ineffable Degrees transmitted by Initiation. The following - 5,6,7 and 8 - are distributed for Communication.
The phasing of Ineffable Degrees, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10 involve in one way or another the study of the Legend of Hiram, detailing and especially its aftermath.
The Grade 9, the Master Elect of Nine or Elected Knight of the Nine, is taught by Initiation. It is a Grade complex and involves many mystical, religious, and moral aspects legendary.
This degree reminds the Court of Santa Veheme; at first glance may seem uplift feelings of revenge.
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Court of Santa Veheme

Ornamentation Store
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The Shop is the secret chamber of Solomon. It is ornamented with black and silver tears with reddish spots, skulls, crossbones and flames. The columns are painted with white and red bands. At the Altar of Oaths, shrouded in black, are the Pentateuch, the Statutes of the Supreme Council, the Constitutions of the Scottish Rite, two crossed swords and dagger.
The chamber is illuminated by lights nines - are arranged in eight octahedron around the Altar of Oaths and one on the way between this and the East.

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Insignia Master Elect of Nine
Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 9th_degree_jewel_and_apron_1

Apron - It is lined with red skin and white embroidered black. The body has a hand holding a bloody head and tears of blood. In Abeta has a hand holding a dagger.
Tape - It's black in color with nine red rosettes. Pending the Jewel Degree which is a dagger.
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Development Degree

The Very Powerful Master, which is Solomon is with the handle of a coup Sword starting work. The chair is empty and covered in black (Hiram was murdered). Gifts are recognized by the Junior Warden (Stolkin) with Knights Elect of Nine.
The questionnaire opening of the work, involving the Very Powerful Master and Junior Warden, the legend shows involving killer Hiram and the death of the first murderer.
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Aprons can be triangular, depending on the costume.
Solomon presents a stranger who claims to know the presence of the three assassins of Hiram. Informs the stranger that near Joppa, there is a cave surrounded brambles, where he spends a water source, which was your dog indulge yourself. Following the dog, saw the cave lit by dim light where were the killers. Solomon luckily chooses to nine Masters, along with the unknown, go to the cave to bring criminals.
During the trip to Joppa, Joabem, one of the chosen point on the walk and arrives before the cave where one of the killers slept with a dagger at his feet. Joabem the killer stabs the heart and your head starts to bring to Solomon. After that he washed his hands in the water fountain and drink a few sips.
Exposed the act to Solomon, the principle condemns, rejects it and wanted revenge fair trial. Joabem is censored, but the group intercedes on their behalf. Solomon forgives and gives the entire group the title of Master Elect of Nine. To start in the Grade Elected Knight of the Nine, the Intendant of the Buildings, Grade 8, knocks at the door of the Temple, applying to the Election. During the development of the Ritual of Initiation to the Grade 9, Elected Knight of the Nine, psychodrama unfolds the part of the Legend of Hiram summarized above.
Grade reveals the ignominy of sheer revenge and reveals to the Initiate the importance of reason in charge of the senses.
The unknown is the reason; Shop of the Elect of Nine, the senses; and the cave, the unconscious. For the development of Ritual, all the brothers are dressed in black. This degree is equal to Grade 4 Modern Rite.
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10 Degree: Master Elect of Fifteen

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 10degree
In Grades 3, 4, 5:09, dealt with the Legend of Hiram and its consequences, and these Degrees practically a sequence. The 10th Degree, Knight or Master Elect of Fifteen, is a flagrant continuation of these and especially the Grade 9.
In 9th grade there was a punishment of the murderers (Abiram) and the 10th Grade clarifies the punishment of the two remaining killers. Solomon, awaiting the capture of these two killers, ordered the embalming of the head of Abiram, which was stored on board along with his skeleton preserved.
Notices were distributed throughout the kingdom and neighboring regions, with the characteristics of the wanted murderers.
Came to the conclusion that the murderers sought were exercising their professions builders Bendecar where reigned the Philistine Maacha. The Philistines were traditional enemies of the Jews, but during the building of the Temple, by diplomacy, Solomon kept peace treaty with these people that the works were not disturbed.
Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Scottish_rite_sign
Solomon sent Bendecar 15 Masters of their confidence, with characteristics of diplomats, among whom were the nine that had previously gone to Joppa. Then the Knights Elect of Fifteen find criminals, and back to Jerusalem, and Zerbal Joabem made their presentation will Solomon.
They were tried and sentenced to death: the open belly of chest tied to a pole, had to the pubis, remaining so until they had the severed heads. Their heads, along with the head of Abiram, were stuck on stakes in each of the three gates of Jerusalem.
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heads were on display at the gates of Jerusalem.
Their bodies were thrown from the city walls to serve as a repast to the vultures and wild beasts.
Important to note that at this point the legend contradicts what has already reported Grade 3 (Master Mason) because this Degree each death by killer had himself advocated (cut throat, and heart ripped body cut in half).
Currently this Grade is transmitted by communication, but some predict that rituals should be granted for Initiation.

Ornamentation Store

The shop is decorated in black with white tears and is illuminated by 15 lights, grouped in groups of five before the President and each of the Watchers.

 Insignia Master Elect of Fifteen
Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 10
Apron - White lined and trimmed black, with black Abeta. The body is represented with a town square walls (Jerusalem) with three gates and each one head stuck on a spike.
Ribbon - The ribbon is colored black embroidered with three heads and the Jewel is a dagger.
The Degree of Master Elect of Fifteen is also known as Knight Elect of Fifteen.
The Brothers will be dressed in black.
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4 - Moral Degree

The development of the Degree of Master Elect of Fifteen and actions taken by Solomon positively emphasize the necessary international relations, condemning the practice of intolerance.
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Grade 11: Knight Elect of the Twelve

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 11degree
Also known as Sublime Knight Elect and Sublime Knight of the Twelve. After the trial and the vengeance of the murderers of Hiram, peace had returned to reign in the court of King Solomon. This would reward the Master Elect of Fifteen and put their names inside an urn and raffled among them twelve, to receive the title of Knights Elect of the Twelve to lead each of the twelve tribes of Israel. The Solomon taught them the arts who knew concerning the Tabernacle and the knowledge of all the Masonic law.

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The 12 tribes of Israel
All King Solomon's enemies are destroyed, as well as the enemies of God.
The rank is transmitted by communication.

Ornamentation Store

The shop is decorated in black with flaming hearts and is illuminated by 15 lights, grouped in groups of five before the President and each of the Watchers.

Grade Insignia

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 11
Apron - lined and trimmed white apron black with black Abeta. Body in a pocket with an embroidered red cross.
Tape - Tape in black color with three flaming hearts embroidery. The jewel is a dagger.Outfit - All Brothers will be dressed in black.

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Grade 12: Grand Master Architect

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During the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem the people went through financial difficulties, behold building found himself standing on the second floor and had consumed large sum of money collected through taxes. Then, each of the twelve tribes appoint an architect to represent her in an effort to present a project to finish the construction without requiring the people into debt to do so. 
's Degree 12th Grade is a complicated requiring adherents of the explanation of 19 sciences. It is taught by communication.
Ornamentation Store

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The Shop is armed with white and red flames. On the table of the first three officers there is a case of mathematics. The shop is a meeting of architects.

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Insignia Degree

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Apron - white apron, lined and edged in blue, the body having a pocket to store the plans. 
Tape - Tape blue color, drop the Jewel of the Grade which is where a plate is engraved on one side seven semicircles with seven stars and a triangle with the letter A in the center; on the other hand are recorded five columns, each an order of architecture, one level, a cross, a square and compass with the letters RN. Under each column has the initial of his name: CDTIC. 
Outfit - All Brothers will be dressed in black.

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Grade 13 - Royal Arch


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Also called Knight of the Royal Arch Degree is a dedicated to searching the Sacred Delta. Enoch, son of Jared and descendant of Adam, by his posture and righteousness, were rewarded by God in a dream that was a mountain, whose summit rose to the heavens. Ali, Enoch saw a triangular plate of gold with the writing of the Ineffable Name.

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Importantly, the Jew does not pronounce the name of God, not even knowing it. Then Enoch was caught by a cut in the cliff which appeared nine overlapping arches and under the latter appeared the same triangular plate. Inspired by the vision of this dream, Enoch wanted to build a temple beneath the earth, sustained by stacking nine arches and dedicated to God.

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Enoch ascending into heaven
Methuselah, his son, Enoch built the Temple and made ​​a plate of gold, according to the dream, and put it under the Ninth Arch, stored in a cube of agate and precious stones.Enoch knew that the flood was coming, and fearing that the knowledge of the arts and sciences disappear, built two columns. A marble to withstand fire and one bronze to withstand the flood, which put on the mountaintop where were below the nine arches. 
On marble column recorded the statement of the arches and the precious treasure that closed. Column, bronze recorded the principles of the liberal arts. Methuselah, son of Enoch, the father of Lamech, the father of Noah built the ark, and who, according to Genesis. 
With the intensity of the flood Marble column was destroyed, but the brass was saved, saving yourself science, despite having lost the location of the treasure of Enoch.Solomon, after the death of Hiram, ordered the construction of a headquarters building for justice in the place where Enoch had built his temple. For such were removed from the rubble marble column and the column of bronze and Adoniram, and Joabert Stolkin were measuring the land. Discovered stones and covers successively the nine arches, until the last, which was the Ineffable Name in the Sacred Delta gold. Finding led to Solomon and the Words and Signs spoken and have done for the finding became the Words and Signs of the Royal Arch Knight. 

Ornamentation Store

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The Shop is the Temple of Enoch. A vaulted underground and nine arches supporting the dome and on each arc is one of the nine names of God. 

Insignia of the Royal Arch Knight

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Apron - There is disagreement among the authors. Some report that this Degree, like others, there is no apron. Others report that the Knight of the Royal Arch Apron uses a white satin lined and edged in red. In practice, as is a Degree awarded by communication, Workers do not get this Apron, Apron using Grade 9, as, indeed, do not acquire the Aprons of the Degrees granted by communication in general. 
Ribbon - Ribbon in purple, which overhangs the Jewel which is a golden triangle. 
Outfit - The Thrice Mighty Grand Master uses a yellow tunic with a blue mantle over.The Brothers have their heads covered with hat and will wear black clothes.

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Grade 14: Perfect and Sublime Mason

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Also known by the names of Grand Elect or Great Scots of the Sacred Vault of James VI of Scots or Great Perfection or Grand Elect Old, this Grade closes the series of degrees granted by the ineffable and shops Perfection, ranging from 4-14 and seek find the "Lost Word" which is the name of God. To go on the Mason should seek to start a chapter where galgará Grade 15 to Grade 18 is a Bible that is based on the story of the burning bush and part based on the legend that Solomon had built beneath the Sanctum Sanctorum one place . meeting for the Perfect and Sublime Masons 
In Mount Horeb Moses saw a bush that burned and was not consumed (. Exo 3-1 to 22) and approaching the bush she told him: "Moses, Moses!" And the voice of God continued: "Do not come near here, removes his sandals because the place where is the Holy Land!" And he said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob ". Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God.Moses approaching the burning bush, protected from heat your face with the right hand over the left cheek and the palm out. Was this being the Sign of Fire.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Sarc3a7a-ardente-acc3a1cia-de-fogo
Burning bush, acacia fire

This appearance promised God to Moses liberation of his people from Egyptian bondage and the journey to the promised land, Canaan. God revealed to Moses his own name.Initiation of Grade 14 is time consuming and the candidate is asked in all grades previously acquired. The candidate will immolate their passions at the center of the Temple, where there is a table with an ax and a large knife. After the sacrifice, the candidate undergoes further purifications by water and fire and is also purified by a mixture of olive oil, flour and wine, which is passed with a trowel in his forehead, on his lips and on the heart. After Initiation Speaker reads the Legend of Grau, a summary of which is as follows: Jubulum, Joabert and Stolkim had discovered the Temple of Enoch and the Holy Name recorded under the new arc being taken to Solomon.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 14
This then created the Degree of Perfect and Sublime Mason to reward them. After the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem, Perfect and Sublime Masons various dispersed worldwide. Masons of lower degrees multiplied and lost the drive and the secrets of degrees, such as Ringtones, words and signs, including being passed knowledge of the profane. Masons only wanted frivolities and parties and initiations were made ​​hastily and without due care, with Freemasonry degenerated. Only Perfect and Sublime Masons remained free of these problems, saving unscathed the Holy Word, which was stored in the vault underneath the Sanctum Sanctorum. Solomon gave the Sublime and Perfect Masons a ring to symbolize their virtue and their commitments. When Jerusalem was invaded by Nebuchadnezzar, the Perfect and Sublime Masons withdrew, and zeal as his secret, destroyed the Holy Word, which from then on was only transmitted by oral tradition. The Degree and warned that time already for the eventual distortion of Freemasonry, with its degeneration from lack of seriousness in the early grades, something that happens today. 

Ornamentation Store

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The Shop is an underground vault and ornamented with red flame color. It is illuminated by 24 lights. In the East are the Altar of Perfumes, the Altar with 12 Shewbread, a gold cup and a trowel Mason, beyond the Altar of sacrifice alluded to in the Introduction. In the West a sea of ​​bronze. Altar in a Delta with the Sacred Tetragrammaton.

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Insignia c Perfect Sublime Mason

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Apron - lined and edged in bright red White with blue strip. In the body, the design of a square ring with a stone sinker therein.

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Tape - In bright red color, having suspended the Jewel Degree which is a golden compass and crowned with a medal in the center, with the sun on one side, the other a star with the letter G in the center. The Brothers will be dressed in black. Grade 14 is equal to Grade 5 Modern Rite.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Grau-14

Última edición por Admin el Jue Ago 28, 2014 10:20 am, editado 8 veces

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Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Empty Grado 15

Mensaje por Admin Jue Ago 28, 2014 8:06 am

Grade 15: Knight of the East

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 15
Jerusalem had been invaded by the troops of Nebuchadnezzar and the Temple of Jerusalem, built by Solomon, was desecrated, looted and destroyed. The Israelites were taken as slaves and among them the king Joconias. It took 70 years to Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus replaced on the throne of Persia, and Zerubbabel the son of Joconias, obtained the release of Cyrus and the Jews permission to rise again the Temple of Jerusalem.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Captivity
the Babylonian captivity
It should be noted that there would be the second Temple, since the first built by Solomon, was destroyed. This temple made history as the Temple of Zerubbabel. The rank is biblical and historical. Legend has it that during the invasion of Nebuchadnezzar some Jews fled to Egypt, where he took refuge. Then they returned to Jerusalem where, in the ruins of the Temple, met in council. Behold approaching a stranger who does recognize giving Holy Word and identifying himself as Zerubbabel. The Chief Council narrated to him the sufferings of the people and the desire to rebuild the Temple.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Nabucodonosor
The Nebuchadnezzar king
Zerubbabel then made trip to Babylon and managed the release of Cyrus and the Jews permission to rebuild the Temple. Initially, Cyrus tried all forms barganharem with Zerubbabel your consent to the exchange of secrets, firmly resisted by this. Cyrus was convinced and moved by the firmness of Zerubbabel,

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The strength and determination of Zerubbabel convinced Ciro!
gave permission, freed the captive Jews, returned the sacred vessels of the Temple who had been arrested for war and finally made ​​Prince of Persia and Zerubbabel governor of Judah. ​​Zerubbabel began to rebuild the Temple with seven thousand workers, a fact that enciumou the Samaritans (inhabitants of Samaria) who had built their own temple. 
Given this jealousy Jews had to work with Trowel in one hand and a sword in the other. The degree emphasizes the strength of reason.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Grau-15
The victory Zororabel
Ornamentation Store

The shop works in two chambers, one lined with red and the other green, and each is illuminated by 72 lights. 
President of the Chapter is titled Atersata and represents Cyrus, King of Persia.

Insignia of Knight of the East

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Apron - White lined and edged in green, taking on abeta a head pierced by two crossed swords. In the body are three concentric triangle formed by numerous tiny triangles. 
Tape - The authors differ on the tape; some advocate the use of tape, others collar.The ribbon is green, having painted over her bones, whole and broken swords, members having the design of a bridge with the letters LDP Jewelry is a Sword cutlass in format. 
For the necklace, one advocate Jewelry are three concentric triangles, . centered in two crossed swords 
The Degree of Knight of the East, or Knight of the Sword is transmitted by Initiation and initiates the series of Capitular Degrees, culminating with Grade 18 - Knight Rose Croix.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 15

Grade 16: Prince of Jerusalem


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In a way this is a Grade continuation of the previous, which does not always happen with the Higher Degrees. Zerubbabel was rebuilding the Second Temple and as we know its neighbors and especially the Samaritans disrupted the building, causing Workers had to work with Trowel in one hand and a sword in the other. The enemies also sought to reach Darius king of Persia and successor of Cyrus stiff opposition in order to seek to put him against the Jews and stop the construction. A group of ambassadors, composed by four Knights of the East or Sword, sought by diplomatic means, contact Dario, to intercept the opposition campaign, neutralizing it to ask for his protection to the Jews.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Darius

The principle Dario did receive the shackled, but listening to the presentation of Zerubbabel, were released. Darius, hearing the arguments, issued a decree condemning every one who interfered with the construction crucifixion. The Samaritans were submitted to Israel and started paying taxes in this state. Justice administration, Zerubbabel appointed five judges, giving them the title of Princes of Jerusalem.

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Ornamentation Store

The shop is divided into two chambers intercommunicating. The first is the court of Zerubbabel; the second is the court of Darius. The passage by which the candidate is conducted to the Grade represents the path of Babylon (cut Dario) to Jerusalem (cutting Zerubbabel). The first room is pink and the second is red.

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Grade Insignia

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Apron - From crimson color (bright red) edged in white, with embroidery on the body the Temple of Solomon, with a Delta the right and a left brace. One above the Delta Sword and a shield above the Square. In Abeta, a hand holding a balance (Symbol of Justice). 
Tape - From brownish color with a balance of justice.

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The Jewel is a medal, engraved on one side with the scales of justice and the other the Temple of Solomon. 
gloves - The Princes of Jerusalem using red gloves.

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Grade 17: Knight of the East and West 

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This degree teaches that after the capture of Jerusalem by the Romans, the Israelites left Judea, going into the wilderness, where now constitute the Order of the Essenes.

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The rank is apocalyptic in its transmission and alludes to the Revelation of St. John or the Book of Revelation, the first of Degrees dating back to the New Testament. The degree is also known as Knight of the East or the Apocalypse.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Cavaleiros_do_apocalipse
The horsemen of the apocalypse

The passages of Revelation referred to in the Ritual are the passage of the four horsemen (conquest, war, death and famine). 
The number seven is a constant in the Ritual. Speaks of the Book of the Seven Seals, the Seven Trumpets, the Seven Stars, the seven candlesticks, seven letters are the Holy Words and Pass Degree.

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The order of the Essenes, specializing in the art of healing, is also part of the history of that degree, in short, describes the history of the Crusaders who, on their return from the Holy Land, founded and organized the Knights Templar. The Knights of the East were those who remained in the East.

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The Lamb of God on the seven seals of Revelation

Ornamentation Store

The temple is of red color with gold stars. In this temple, he meets the Great Council, which is the Grade Shop. 

Grade Insignia

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 17aaa

Apron - De lined and edged in red yellow color.

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Tapes - There are two: the first is white, black is the second of which hangs the jewel of the Degree.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 17degree
Jewelry - This is a golden and silver heptagon, having a hand in the center lying on Lamb's Book of the Seven Seals. In each of the seals has a of the letters B, D, S, P, H, G, F. letters These angles also appear on the same side of this heptagon. On the other side there are two crossed swords and a scale.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Images-1

Última edición por Admin el Jue Ago 28, 2014 11:11 am, editado 6 veces

Cantidad de envíos : 13078
Puntos : 38179
Reputación : 226
Fecha de inscripción : 14/06/2009
Edad : 73
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Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Empty Re: Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés

Mensaje por Admin Jue Ago 28, 2014 8:25 am

R '.. C.'. 18 ° 

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Inri
Grade 18: Knight Rose Croix

Also called the Knight of the White Eagle or Knight of the Pelican, is a special grade, first the things that comes after because it was the last of Degrees in the Rites that have High Grades. 
The Scottish Rite adopted by the whole Ceremonial 1- and last Degree of the Modern Rite, since the original Escocesismo Degree, Knight of the Rosicrucian Kilwining Heredon and demanded much complication for the Ceremonial Start, including a room with seven chambers. The School belongs to the category of the Gnostics and Higher Degrees, being devoted to the victory of light over darkness, the Evangelical Worship and the advent of Christ, the Incarnation of the Word.

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The shop works in three rooms that represent the three planes transiting through which candidates, namely death, the astral plane and the resurrection. It is an extremely mystical and esoteric level and, as a rule, is only broadcast on Thursdays Santas, although all the Ceremonial is entirely Jewish. At the end of the work is performed at the Supper Rosicrucian Knights, erroneously called the Lord's Supper as it is a Kiddush equal to what Christ had in his Last Supper, which went down in history as the Last Supper. The Supper of Initiation is the Supper of the Knights Rosicrucian. 
's Kiddush is a mystical meal prepared by the Jews on the eve of a religious or party on the eve of the Sabbath.

1 - Ornamentation Store

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Reception_of_rose_croix
welcome to chapter Rosicrucian
The Rosicrucian Temple is lined in red, and the panel below the canopy of the Standard Grade and Chapter. The Altar of Oaths is the Sanctuary, at the entrance. In it is the Holy Book and the Menorah (candelabra Seven Candles). 101para Initiations, the temple is divided into three chambers, namely:

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 18
1st House 
- Lined black with white tears. About Mosaic Floor Columns are broken and working equipment. 
Sanctuary In the three steps, is the Altar of Atersata, the first step is the Pramanta instrument made ​​to produce fire. 
At the Altar there is a cross flanked by two candlesticks yellow candles, and above the canopy is Blazing Star. The altar is separated from the camera body by a black curtain and open in the middle. Then an indoor triangular black table cloth on which one is Compass a brace, one Triple Triangle, a cross of Ebony with the Mystic Rose and the letters INRI, a black apron with the Rosy Cross in the center and a black ribbon . To the right is the menorah with seven candles. There are also three columns with resplendent with the words FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY.
2nd House - It is lined in black and is a place of torments and tortures.
3rd Chamber - Adorned with foliage, is lined with red and flush with the letter Iod appears. There are also transparent, with the words: infinity, immortality, reason and nature. In the center of the temple, on a triangular table, is the Pramanta. This is what advocate Rituals. However, the most Shops, for convenience and cost, reduces to two cameras, which is a shame. 
3 - Insignia of Knight Rose Croix

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Aprons - In white satin with red and black lined waterfront. Body Jewelry has a Degree embroidered with gold. In the liner has an embroidered red cross.

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Tape - Does not use tape, but a necklace of red, lined in black, with embroidered front Jewelry and the cross inside. 
Jewel - The Jewel consists of an open at 60 ° on the arc of circles Compass. Between the legs of the compass there is a pelican feeding seven kittens whose bosom bleeds. Behind the pelican, a red cross, with the Mystic Rose. Compass on the head there is a Royal Crown. The jewel is gold and silver and the other side is an eagle. 
Outfit - The costume of all Knights is black with white gloves and sword at his belt. 
Chamber At first, all the Knights can use white dalmatic edge with black silk and a red cross at heart. 
During the early initiation of Grade 18, the aprons and ribbons will be girded inside out. This grade is identical to Grade 7 (Grade and last) of the French or Modern Rite.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Grau18
"Men of all ages are similar. The story is not as useful for ending it the past, as if reading it for the future "Say .JB
"If it was not dust it illuminates, the light beam would not be visible." See André
In the chamber, where the Knights Rosicrucians do their jobs, there are several objects and ornaments so that they can process the rituals of the Grade 18 Chapter One is an ankh, with the letters INRI, alternately black and white, alongside a compass and square on a triangular table placed between the altar and the entrance to the East.
The INRI acronym is used as identification between the Knights Rosicrucians, and comes from the very start of the Degree with an ancient Hermetic Maxim Igne Natura Renovatur Integra! (The fire renews the whole nature!). It appears, also, when the Knight is questioned about the Truth and he replies that he "saw in Judea, Nazareth, Rafael and Judah."
The INRI ready leads us to think of Jesus crucified on the cross which, over his head, had this inscription, saying: "Behold the King of the Jews."
The Rosicrucian Degree Knight reflects, therefore, the descent upon us of deep sadness and darkness. When in desperation, we can turn to two great motivating forces to save us:. Reason Faith and Reason deals with what can be shown, which is tangible: Faith comes from within us, the intangible. This is expressed by the Cross and the Rose. The Cross has been a sacred symbol since the dawn of humanity: the Rose means the resurrection. Hence one of the symbols of the Grade 18 is a cross surmounted by a Rose. The flower of Rosa also has a triple connotation of Love, Secrecy and Fragrance, while Cruz also holds the triple meaning of Self-sacrifice, holiness and immortality.When you take these two emblems together, as they always are at the Rosicrucian name, indicate the Love of Self-sacrifice, the secret of immortality and the sweet fragrance of a holy life.
As seen, the Grade 18 has a lot to do with Jesus, although no restriction whatsoever on its application to those who do not belong to the Christian faith. When focused: This is a degree of tolerance, inviting men of all faiths to find spiritual enrichment.
The Universal and the Secret of Regeneration (mortality constituted the paramount concern of the alchemists linked will brotherhood of the Rosicrucians. With the juxtaposition of the Rose at the intersection of the branches of the Cross they symbolized, as it was understood the hieroglyphic inscriptions found in the large triangle discovered in the temple of Benares ., the junction of the two sexes, which led ultimately to the Secret of Immortality The Rose was the graceful emblem of Women, the image of discretion and therefore the symbol of "silence", while the Cross, to which the Hermetic philosophers was symbol of the junction which forms the ecliptic with the equator, with the points of intersection "Picies" and "Aries" and another on "virgin" center, meant the virility of the sun in all its creative force. meeting this result Regeneration Universal, the highest point of the secret doctrine and starting to immortality.
The INRI in the cross of Jesus was dictated by the sentence of Pontius Pilate:
"I, Pontius Pilate, the Roman Empire president here, inside the palace of the arch-residence, judge, condemn, and sentence you to death to Jesus, the commoners called Christ of Nazareth, the Galilean homeland, seditious man of the Mosaic law, contrary to great Emperor Tiberius Caesar.
Determine and pronounce this couple, that his death on the cross is, stuck with cloves, according to usança the dock, park here, uniting and joining many rich and poor men, ceased not to promote riots throughout Judea, saying he was the Son of God and King of Israel, threatening them with the ruin of Jerusalem and the temple sacred, denying the Temple of Caesar, and having had the audacity to enter branches and triumph, and with part of the mob in the city of Jerusalem and the sacred temple.
Mando who take the city of Jerusalem Jesus Christ, bound and flogged, and to be clothed in purple and crowned with thorns, some with their own cross on his shoulders, to serve as an example to all evil, and with it are taken two murderous thieves, and come out the door and Yagarda that take Jesus to the Mount of Public Justice, called Calvary, where sacrificed and stay dead body on the cross as a spectacle to all evil, and on the cross is put this title in Hebrew language , Greek and Latin: Jesus Nazarenus Rex Jurdeorum (INRI).
Still command anyone in any state or quality that is, dare recklessly to prevent this pair justice given me, which should be administered and enforced with all the rigor and second decrees and Roman and Hebrew laws, under pain of rebellion to Roman empire. "
(This paper appeared published in the "Journal of Francfort", number 115 of April 26, 1839 and found in an antique vase, white marble, when excavations were made in the city of L'Aquila, in the kingdom of Naples, in the year 1280 .)
St. John tells us, confirming:
"And they took Jesus, and pulled him out. 17 And taking up his cross to the back, came out to the place which is called Calvary, and in Hebrew Golgotha. 18 Where they crucified him, and two others, one of a party, one of another, and Jesus in honey. 19 And Pilate wrote a title, and post on the cross. And read the inscription: JESUS ​​OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. 20 Many of the Jews read this title, because it was near the town where Jesus was crucified. And it was written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. 21 They said therefore to Pilate, the chief priests of the Jews: Do not write King of the Jews, but what he says: I am the King of the Jews. 22 Pilate answered, What I have written I have written. "(OJ 19.20)
Evidently, King Of Jews was a title mocked because their opponents did not want to understand that his kingship was giving and service. Jesus exercised his kingship offering forgiveness to all, performing the reconciliation of man with God and of men among themselves. And we would be participating in the kingship of Jesus in that we were able to forgive and build peace and reconciliation.
The mob demanded the condemnation of Jesus felt threatened. For this crowd, Jesus was a blasphemer and a danger face of religious and civil power. Even saying that "his kingdom was not of this world", it was necessary to eliminate it. But Jesus is King! His Cross became a sign of transformation, u'a message of liberation. He is our deliverer. Frees men inwardly for their sins and frees the company the equivalent of all: wealth, power, deceit and oppression; and announces the Kingdom values: solidarity, justice, truth, peace and brotherhood. So he is not only king of the Jews, he is King Of The Whole World!
Actually, INRI is a mysterious tetragrammaton terminating the secret meaning of the sacred word of the Rosicrucian Knight. Not pronounced such sacred word: it is requested by a special interrogation, in which the true Rosicrucian know find twice the sacred word required. Some rituals attach to these four letters the meaning Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudeorum, but the fact is that its use precedes the Christian era and that among the Hebrews were the initials of the names given to the four primitive elements of ancient physics, also known to the ancient philosophers and whose proof still spend the initiates of some Masonic rites: I = lammim of water; N, Nur = fire; R = Ruahar of air; and I, a = labaschah earth.
When the Jesuits stepped into the assemblies of the Rosicrucians baccnianos, in London, in order to neutralize the flow of modern philosophical principles that began the uneasy them, the British had no contemplation: cast them out. And they went to settle on their own.
Of course, the confusion was the best weapon, and thus seizing the four letters that constituted the sacred word of the Rosicrucians worldwide, INRI, tried to downplay the hermetic direction, giving it a meaning that had his support in "Monita" but that did not correspond in any way to the meaning of the English: "Reges Jusum Necare Wicked" (It's fair to kill the wicked kings), which furthermore sought the King of England!
The Secret Monita was drafted by Ignatius Loyola himself (1491 - 1556), in collaboration with Jacopo Laynez, a very shrewd psychologist. It was an organization with its own method of action without which the Jesuits just be able to, because it was necessary to ensure cohesion and have in clashes. Hence the development of the early Jesuits cane private action, that is the secret Monita. Was the esoteric creed combat, use only traced to the initiated. This resulted in the fact that they remained in their dictates the burial of secrecy for decades. It is prodigious the role played Jesuitism in defense of the Roman Church, and even against Freemasonry.
What then was the true meaning of the tetragrammaton in Rosicrucian philosophy? There were many, but in all other than that attributed to him the sons of St. Ignatius sense. For example, between the Syrians and Persians, was Igne Natura Renovatur Integra and also Ignem Natura Regenerating Integrat (It's the fire that nature is renewed), alluding to the astronomical symbol of the sun, or the physical symbol of life. Among the Germans, the philosophical sense was deeper: Igne NITRUM Roris Invenitur, taken from an aphorism of the Hermetic philosophy. Indeed, replacing the initials of the tetragrammaton by their correspondents in the Hebrew language it appears that the German Rosicrucians alluded directly to the four elements of the ancients: lammim, the water element; Nur, the fire element; Ruahar, the air element; labaschah and the earth element. In France, the Rosicrucians gave him a less philosophical and more political interpretation: Helpless Nisu Repellamus Ignorantiam (For an untiring action will destroy ignorance), while the English, more sober, gave it a meaning that was the aspiration of all People of the Universe: Nunc Regent Imperia Justitia (Justice rule the nations).
Rosicrucianism Jesuit was only tried in England and, anyway, with negligible success. The terrain was rough and lacked the sowers the fertilizing breath without which they could not germinate their ideas suspeitíssimas. The temperament of the English, their love of freedom and the feeling of pride, who cultivated on a large scale as the right of free expression of thought, were further obstacles to the progress of the Jesuit cause. Likewise, it was not the devil weave them, the disciples of Roger Bacon (1222-1292), created u'a new interpretation to the tetragrammaton, that without good will flee Rosicrucian hermeneutics, responded admirably to capcionismo the children of St. Ignatius : Jesuitae Nacionum Regunque (The Jesuits are the enemies of the people and kings).
The meanings for the acronym INR I do not stop there: others must have and others may arise because realizes that she already took mystic and man's imagination no bounds. And when something of this nature is also shrouded in mystery, mules surprises in reserve. In a while, possibly stored documents by other companies give other interpretations for the tetragrammaton ... I INR These documents probably exist with access only to such enlightened organizations.Contrary to what some would have you believe, not everything was destroyed ...
Although not glorified in the festive and memorable dates of the Craft, in its sessions and rituals in his instructions to the neophytes, we can not fail to recognize Jesus Christ as one of the mainstays of the Order, an Initiate and a master.
Considering the examples of Masonic virtues, such as love of neighbor, Charity ,. Tolerance, the Order adopted, it is incomprehensible that the name of that which serves us as a model is maintained by the wayside, a typical attitude of ingratitude and injustice.
Skip .: Espedicto Figueiredo 
Letter Writing Club Royal Arch Temple, São Paulo, SP.

Última edición por Admin el Jue Ago 28, 2014 8:47 am, editado 2 veces

Cantidad de envíos : 13078
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Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Empty Re: Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés

Mensaje por Admin Jue Ago 28, 2014 8:39 am

Grade 19: Grand Pontiff

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Gr_cofarm19g

Also known as Scottish Sublime, this Grade starts climbing the hierarchical Philosophical Degrees ranging from 19-30. 
dates back to Grade Revelation of St. John, in the section where exactly is given the vision of the New Jerusalem or the heavenly Jerusalem. (Rev. 21 ).

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés New_jerusalem_pic
Celestial Jerusalem

In the spirit of the island of Patmos, Greece, where he was serving exile, John had visions of Revelation and, in Chapter 21, is the New Jerusalem, which is described in detail, including the Tree of the Twelve Fruits. The city seems to download from heaven on a cloud to crush the serpent with three heads, sort of hydra Lemma that dominated the Old Universe. In Ritual, a framework representing the heavenly Jerusalem seems to download the sky. In the center of the temple is erected a mountain, to which the candidate scale they encounter a cliff. 
pontiff The term is of Latin origin and means bridge builder. Reportedly Horatio Cocles, to intercept the Persian army that was to invade Rome, the bridge leading to the city, decided to counter the enemy a bridge head, biding his time while his soldiers destroyed the other. The bridge collapsed and fell all the enemies on the Tiber River with Horace sacrificed by his companions and Rome. 
To celebrate his achievement, his companions created a group of defense and preservation of bridges in Rome, called pontiffs, whose head was Pontiff.

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Upon entry into the Temple the candidate for Initiation receives the scepter, scale the mountain and helps measure the Holy City. After several conversations, the Rosicrucian Knight is informed of the significance of Twelve Stars. After three trips, Thrice Mighty Master returns to speak and the candidate pays the Oath of the Grade, consisting of various commitments and purposes. It is a long and complex ceremony that brings numerous teachings and lessons. 

Ornamentation Store

The Temple is the Heavenly Jerusalem, which is the kingdom of God. And decorated in blue and gold stars. 

Insignia of Grand Pontiff Degree

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Mm19

Apron - According to some authors, the degree has no apron.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 19

Others, however, the report as being crimson lined and edged in white, the body having the letters Alpha and Tau Phoenicians. 
Tape - Used in tow, crimson with white fringe, embroidered with twelve stars and the Greek letters alpha and omega. 
Jewelry - A golden rectangle has recorded a side-letter alpha and omega of another letter. 
Strip - Used in head by everyone from sky-blue with twelve golden stars. Some authors report that the letters are the Alpha and the Phoenician tau. 
Outfit - The Thrice Mighty wears a long robe satin white. The other members also wear a white robe, but linen.

Grade 20: Sovereign Prince of Freemasonry


Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Gr_cofarm20g

Also known as Master Ad Vitam or Grand Master of All Stores, one of the highlights of the Grade 20 is recalling the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem. Remember that there were three temples of Jerusalem, built, destroyed and desecrated; the first was Solomon's Temple, which was desecrated and destroyed by the Persian invasion of Nebuchadnezzar.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Primeiro-templo-salomc3a3o
First Temple

The second was the Temple of Zerubbabel, desecrated and destroyed by Pompey, Roman Emperor. The third was the Temple of Herod, built hair Governor of the same name and sent to destroy hair Roman Emperor Titus in the year 70 of OUR era.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Segundo-templo-de-jerusalem
According to temple

Grade this we refer to the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem made by Zerubbabel;therefore, the second Temple, whose story is mentioned in Grade 15 - Knight of the East or Sword, under the orders of the Persian kings Cyrus and Darius.

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This is a Bible-Templar Degree and his legend states that the Chaldeans instituted the desert schools tribunes-speakers, whose task it is to seek the truth and that these tribunes originated the various doctrines, as philosophers, Kabbalists and Masons .
According Nicola Aslan this Grade concerned with the redemption of the masses by preaching the truth. The degree is granted for communications.
Ornamentation Store

The temple is decorated in blue and yellow colors. 

Insignia Sovereign Prince of Freemasonry

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 20aaa

Apron - From yellow and lined blue. According to some authors, there is 
this Grade Apron. 
Tape - Two crossed ribbons on his chest. One yellow and one blue. 
Jewel - A Triangle of gold on which there is written the letter R.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 20degree

Grade 21: Noachite or Prussian Knight

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Gr_cofarm21g

The term derives Noachite the descendants of Noah. Biblical-Grade is templar and relates in part to the construction of the biblical Tower of Babel, with the tragic death of its architect, with the salvation of Noah and the Ark with the archaeological discovery in Germany, the region of ancient Prussia, a part which contained the recorded history of the building of the Tower of Babel. 

happens that the descendents of Noah, not trusting the new covenant with the Lord, decided to build a tower high enough to be put under new flood.

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Torre de Babel

The Lord, realizing the intentions of the project, put confusion in the language of the workers. Babel means confusion. Phaleg, the architect of the Tower of Babel, withdrew to the region of Prussia, where he erected a temple in the shape of triangle to ask God for forgiveness.

Development of Grade 21 is scoped combat pride, vanity and selfishness . Phaleg seems to be legendary, as is also the part of the legendary Degree because it abandoned the biblical part to refer to the Judges of the Court of Santa Vehme, incidentally, already alluded to in Grade 9.
gotten A knight of the Crusades found their property and inheritance stolen by a fraudulent transaction. He appealed to the court of the Holy Vehme (Vehmgericht) and a secret trial was held at midnight. The evidence to the claimant and the deadly verdict Vehme was proclaimed against the forger, having been returned to the property knight crusader were applied. 

Noaquitas The only gather 28 in 28 days, ie, on nights when the moon is full.

Ornamentation Store

The only guidance with regard to the ornamentation of the shop is that it determines that it does not receive other lighting other than natural moonlight So the Prussian Knights only gather the Moon.

Insignia Noachite

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 21deg

Apron - The Apron is colored and lined with yellow. 
Tape - Tape black color with embroidered letters SCJ. 
Jewel - A golden triangle with an arrow pointing to the lower vertex. Also use a silvery light.

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Grade 22: Knight of the Royal Axe


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Also called Prince of Lebanon, the Grade 22 belongs to the category of hermetic degrees, where esotericism and mysticism are accented. 

's Degree Legend goes back to Lebanon and reminds the usefulness found by Freemasonry to the cedars of Lebanon. The Sidonians were in charge of cutting the cedars and it was they who produced the woods for Noah's Ark to the Ark of the Covenant and the Temples of Solomon and Zerubbabel.Cutters organized Colleges cedars on Mount Lebanon worshiping God.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Dscf2360
The level takes place in a carpentry workshop where one or Prussian Knight Noachite, 21, presents aspiring to the title of Prince of Lebanon, based on their nobility of birth and their social positioning.His request was rejected, being told that you should give up their social position and seek to merit the prize aspired that through working with the saw, the planer and the ax. (A relationship with the carbonaria at this point) 
in The Initiation Degree is divided into four parts, whose names are as follows: The Gate of Eden, In Lebanon, In Stock Carpenter and Under Machado. After conversations with the Venerable Chief, Neophyte, one Prussian Knight, Grade 21, is led by Master of Ceremonies to the Garden of Eden, where it is placed among the trees of life and science, where it passes the drama of original sin .

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Bandeira_libano
The cedars of Lebanon are as important to the Lebanese people that a cedar adorns the flag of the country
Then turns off the light of Eden and lights up the Temple. The Neophyte sitting hear the Venerable Chief and the second part of the Speaker - In Lebanon. The Druze tradition relates that, expelled from Eden, Adam took a seedling of the Tree of Life, planted in Lebanon, gave rise to the cedars. The Ritual speaks of utility and use of the cedars and the work of plowing them with the ax. And then the Prussian Knight led the Bank of Carpenter, which is a properly prepared room, where you see the Workers carving and cutting wood. 

According to The Vigilante tells the legend that, after the Flood, Noah created the Order of the Axe, because for the construction of the Ark were cut and prepared the highest cedars of Lebanon. Says that the Axe, Sierra and planer are the instruments of labor of a Knight of the Royal Axe, Prince of Lebanon, and discusses the symbolism of these instruments. 

Finda explanation, the Neophyte retires and Workers make voting after which the Neophyte returns to the temple and listening explanation of the Venerable Head on the job and pays his Oath. 

Ornamentation Store

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Temple ready for the degree of Prince libamo

The shop works on two lounges. The first is the Workshop of Mount Lebanon and is decorated in blue;the second, that the Council is of the Round Table, is decorated in red. In the first, the tools are scattered across the floor, and second, there is a round table on which are placed Compasses, Squares and a golden plan. 

's Degree Initiation is transmitted.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Noe_arco_e_fumaca
The rainbow was the covenant that God showed Noah

Degree Insignia of the Prince of Lebanon

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 22
Apron - Has two presentations: the first is a white apron, and in body, embroidered, a round table on which are rolled out some instruments and work plans. In another version Apron has on the body drawing of an eye. 
Tape - The color of the rainbow, lined with red, having hung the Jewel 
Jewel - A golden ax and crowned, having entered in the cable on one side LSAACDXZ and letters A., and across the SNSCJMBO letters The letters of the first side are the initials of: Lebanon, Solomon, Abda, Adoniram, Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes, Zerubbabel and Ananias. The other side of the mean:. Sidônio, Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, Moses and Bezalel Ooliab 
are words that in one way or another are linked to the grades and the Old Testament. 
Lebanon Prince or Knight of the Royal Axe, Initiation of the first moment, is armed with an ax and, in the second part, armed with a sword.

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Grade 23: Chief of the Tabernacle


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This is a Bible Degree, with regard to the institution of the priesthood through Aaron (brother of Noah) and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar. 
stage The Grade is the Sinai desert, where the Twelve Tribes of Israel are camped around the Tabernacle. Moses and Aaron are one of the Levites as the first of Hoste Keepers of the Temple.

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The legend refers to the degree candidate, son of Hiram, who had the task of destroying the crocodile god of the Egyptians, dropping the bloody altar where human holocausts were offered the god Moloch.

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Moloch devouring the children-offering, painting of William Blake. (It is noteworthy that the word brat come from moloch)

The Knights Heads of the Tabernacle are the keepers of the doors of the Tabernacle and where unfold Works Grade 23 is the chamber that represents the Tabernacle. 
's Tabernacle, whose etymological meaning is tent, was the first temple erected for the worship of God.Mobile was because the Jews were on pilgrimage forty years in the Sinai desert, and mounted with skins stretched through stakes. Was divided into three parts: the first was the people; the second was the Sanctum; and the third was the Holy of Holies, where only the High Priest had a ticket. The construction of the Tabernacle is described in detail in Ex. 40 to 17.33 and was the Tabernacle that served as a model for the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem and inspiration for churches and Masonic Lodges. 
's Tabernacle was the dwelling of IEVE on land and Sanctum Sanctorum was placed the Ark of the Covenant whose construction is explained in detail in the book of Exodus. 25-10, 16 Inside the Ark of the Covenant, Moses put the new Tables of the Law with the Ten Commandments and the testimony of God's covenant with men. Four were Alliances and Four were the Testimonies, namely: the first Covenant was the creation in man, the second Covenant was with Noah, and God symbolized with Rainbow, was the third Covenant with Abraham and was symbolized by circumcision , and the fourth Pact was the delivery of the Ten Commandments.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Santuario-tenda
Initiation is prepared for a dark hall with a table in the center, on which is placed a candle and three skulls with a human skeleton on the table. This chamber is called hierarchy.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Grau23
Initiation begins with the preparation of the son of Hiram to the Sacrifice. After starting meditate on skulls is made ​​by Great sacrificer a long interrogation. 
Ended interrogation, the Chamber is lit and the candidate receives an ax, being led to the Brazen Altar, knocks on the ground all that is on the Altar , except for the chandelier. Incenses the Altar of Perfumes and goes to the altar placed before the throne, which provides his Oath. Important is that the Chief of the Tabernacle becomes a faithful caretaker of the fulfillment of the law, avoiding being disparaged her. 
1 - Ornamentation Store
The shop aims to be a copy of the Tabernacle. It is decorated in white with red and black columns. In the East lies the Sanctum Sanctorum, separated from the rest of the temple by a red curtain. In the East is the Ark of the Covenant, the Altar of Sacrifice, Altar and the Throne of Perfumes, suspended for seven steps. Delta is a resplendent put up with the name of Jehovah. 

Insignia Degree of Chief of the Tabernacle

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Apron - The authors differ on the apron of this degree. Some claim that there is. Others describe it as an apron trimmed white satin lined and red. 
Tape - In black and silver fringes. 
Jewel - A red rosette from which hangs a dagger. 
Outfit - The Great Sovereign sacrificer (President Store) uses a kind red underneath Balandrau, and over a short yellow robe and sleeveless. On the head wears a golden miter, having a Delta with the letters IEVE. Above the yellow robe uses the band Degree. Identical outfit using the two Wardens, not only carrying on the Delta miter. The Levites Brothers wear a white Balandrau, having a red collar with gold fringe, which hangs a jewel that is a censer stuck to the tape by a silver rosette.

Grade 24: Prince of the Tabernacle


Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Gr_cofarm24g
This grade is a kind of continuation of the previous Degree, 23 Degree, Chief of the Tabernacle, as the location and the previous scenario are again shown this. There is a Masonic Lodge named Court which is directed by Moses, in a desert camp. There is a candidate who will become Priest among the tribes of Judah and the mysteries are to be entrusted to him.

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Consecration of Aaron to the priesthood, thus creating the lineage of cohen

There purification by fire, earth, water and air. The purpose of the Degree is the study of the construction of the Tabernacle in its mystical and spiritual aspect. The base level is Jewish and the main source is the Bible, where in the book of Exodus, chapters 25 and 26, is the preamble of the same.These chapters of the book of Exodus detail the construction of the Ark of the Covenant

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Entrando-no-tabernc3a1culo
. Tabernacle and meticulously the information and visions given to Moses by Jehovah 
.'s Degree The author was seeking to arm these minutiae details the Temple of Grade 24 - Prince of the Tabernacle 
The Chamber's Degree consists of two parts: the first is the Foyer and is similar to a Chamber of Master Masons; the second is circular in shape and is called the Hierarchy. Three Watchers, which are: Aaron Bezalel and Goliab. The Degree Works are opened as any other degree and the candidate does not knock at the door, because it is open. 
But after its entry, closes. Then the President made ​​a speech that reminds the candidate throughout his Masonic life and duties and lessons learned in each of the previous degrees, and transmits the perfect candidate to understand the role of a juror because the Levite has the function of managing the justice of men inspired by the Divine Justice and the right of everyone to be judged correctly. 
Upon voiceover about the role of the jury, the recipient will receive the three Watchers for purification. Wash hands and purifies the Vase of Ablutions, if it disinfects Altar of Perfumes and finally performs his Oath whose formula contains the defense of justice and the sovereignty of the Jury.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Sumosacerdote
Ornamentation Store
The shop comprises two adjoining rooms, the first of which, the vestibule is decorated as a Lodge of Masters Masons and the second is of circular form, having in the center the chandelier Seven Candles (Menorah), is illuminated by 49 lights.

Grade Insignia of the Prince of the Tabernacle

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 24
Apron -. De lined white satin and edged with red, with the body drawing of a tent and a tree abeta the 
tape - red tape hanging with the Jewel Degree. 
Jewel - The Jewel is a triangle with the word Jehovah. Some Rituals report that instead of tape the Prince of the Tabernacle uses a necklace. 
Outfit - All members will be dressed in silk robe or blue taffeta, with a collar trimmed by golden rays, giving the impression of an aura. This dress is strewn with golden stars. On the head using a closed crown, surrounded by stars, surmounted by a Delta.

Grade 25: Knight of the Brazen Serpent


Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Gr_cofarm25g
It is a Grade Bible-Templar transmitted by Initiation. The Grade drew its base in two historical and religious facts: the first evokes the story told in Numbers 21 to 6.19; the second evokes the First Crusade. Let us briefly analyze the two facts. At the end of the eleventh century the Turks had taken the Holy City of Jerusalem, creating obstacles for the pilgrims who journeyed to the Holy Land. A man known as 
Peter the Hermit, travels to Europe and inciting preaching that Christians should take up arms to liberate the Holy Land. Convinced, Pope Urban II gathered a crowd, forming an army led by Peter the Hermit, who, more enthusiastic than prepared, was defeated. 
But the army of Peter the Hermit, became the core of the idea of creation of Crusades, which, with the same purpose, would leave France and Italy. Crusade The name stems from the fact that the faithful used a cross on his clothes. Crusading armies were commanded by Legendary Godfrey of Bouillon, whose legend tells that he flattered them discouraged and losers companions, guiding them in combat, giving them encouragement and enthusiasm and turning them into winners.

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The Knights who continued the work of Godfrey of Bouillon founded a company with the distinctive title of Knight of the Brazen Serpent, which was dedicated to the defense, reception, assistance and protection to pilgrims visiting the Holy Land. 
Biblical part of the Degree of Knight the Brazen Serpent comes from the above account in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 21 At one point leaving Egypt bound for the Promised Land, the Jewish people, in the face of difficulties in the past 40 years they wandered through the desert, over once rebelled against Moses and against God himself. In these revolts, God decided to send a punishment in the form of snakes whose bites were deadly. With this torment the people once again repented and prayed. God then gave Moses instructions to put a cross in the form of tau, a bronze snake on a high and visible location and all bitten by snakes, if they looked at the cross, would be immediately cured.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés The-brazen-serpent-from-a-bible-printed-by-edward-gover-187027s
The serpent is the symbol of the healing art. It is the symbol of medical science and all paramedical art, such as pharmacy, dentistry, biochemistry, etc. 
The Shop Knight of the Brazen Serpent is called the Court of Sinai and is decorated in red. About Throne sees a transparent and with a Burning Bush at the top the name Jehovah. Shop in the center stands a hill, and on its summit the cross-shaped tau with coiled serpent. 
A camera receives light from a lamp placed behind the transparent with the bush. The President, who is Moses does not use Gavel, but Espada, which blow with the fist begins to work. 
Candidates for the degree are suddenly introduced chained in the House of Jobs. The President asks the candidates in previous grades, they are acquitted. Then they are sent up in Monte, a task that can not meet because the currents hinder. Then rub the President orders the chains with branches of Euphorbia, stop that, rusting, breaking up. The Euphorbia is a plant that cured the bites of serpents.After liberation from the chains, the President shall ask the candidates about the improvement of justice and the act of judging. Following the Neophytes oath and jobs are terminated. 

Ornamentation Store Knight of the Brazen Serpent

The temple is decorated in red and represents the Court of Sinai. In the West stands a mountain with a cross-shaped tau and with a coiled serpent. In the East there is a clear, backlit, having drawn a Burning Bush and on it the name Jehovah. Only this light illuminates the transparent Temple. 

Grade Insignia of Knight of the Brazen Serpent

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Apron25
Apron - The authors also differ with respect to the use of this Degree Apron. Some report that there is no apron. Others report that there is an apron of white satin lined and edged in red. 
Tape - Some authors recommend the use of a red ribbon on which is embroidered the motto: Virtue and Value. Other authors say they do not use tape, but a necklace with the same description. Of one or another hangs the Jewel Degree. 
Jewel - A coiled serpent on a cross-shaped T.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Download

Grade 26: Scottish Trintário


Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Gr_cofarm26g
Also known as Prince of Mercy, the degree belongs to the category of the Templar Degrees. Perhaps the name of the Degree, Prince of Mercy, somewhat anachronistic, originates in a religious order that was consecrated to the redemption of prisoners taken by the infidels during the Crusades. 
Already the Scottish Trinitarian name comes from the fact that the works evoke the Grade three of the five rings that Jehovah made ​​with His people. 
's Degree Works develop into a chamber and the President wields, in place of a Gavel, an arrow of white, red and green colors. The Chamber called the Third Heaven.'s Green in color with white and red columns, each having an arm holding up a chandelier nine lights, for a total of 81 lights in the House. 
Throne is under a covered canopy for white cloths, green and red. Near the entrance to the East there is a pedestal with the Statue of Truth. This pedestal is kept a book whose cover is already alluded to the colors and the statue is covered by veil book of the same colors. The statue is the Palladium of the Order. Palas is one of the names of Minerva. . Reaches up the Statue of Pallas by a ladder Triple Step, the white, red and green colors, which signify faith, charity and hope 
in the Third Heaven are still 15 symbols, as follows: Five in the Middle 
- A Spear Arm one armed with a dagger, one Censer, the Tablets of the Law and an equilateral triangle Golden. Five north - one Bonfire, one Gold Bar, a Crown of Thorns, a cross and the Globe. Five to Noon -. Statue of Mercury one, one Brazier a Torch, an angel over a Cloud and the Ark of the Covenant 
At the opening of the dialogue work occurred between the President and the Senior Warden, it follows that the degree is dedicated to the rehabilitation of the working classes. 
Knight of the Brazen Serpent, recipient of Grade 26, enters the chamber through tortuous steps and climb the three flights of stairs leading to the third heaven, in search of the Philosopher's Stone. In each step receives information and instructions about their goal. The Philosopher's Stone cited is not the Alchemists who transmuted ordinary metals into gold, but rather one that will transmute humanity.
Upon descending the staircase the candidate undergoes an interrogation, which is a constant in the Philosophical Degrees, after which the President asks, "Why the candidate aspires to ascend to the third heaven?". The Expert gives the answer that he wants to find the Philosopher's Stone. After the President determines to be unveiled the statue of Pallas and the Guardian of the Palladium take the book that is inside the pedestal and read its contents, whose expression is moral and ethical. 
Subsequently, the Neophyte is brought before the Altar President, before whom pays the Oath of the Grade. As a rule the degree is transmitted by communication, is dispensed with most above formalities, which is a shame.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Pe_prmercy
temple prepared for the prince of mercy
Insignia Scottish Trinitarian

Apron - There is disagreement among the authors. Some cite red apron with embroidered body in a green and white equilateral triangle. Others cite Apron red, green lined and edged in white, the body having an equilateral triangle with these three colors. 
Tape - Tape of white, green and yellow colors with the Jewel Degree. Other authors speak of necklace instead of tape. 
Jewel - A golden equilateral triangle, having a heart engraved with the word Jehovah. 
President - She wears a green, white and red tunic, having on his head a crown formed by nine arrowheads.

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Grade 27: Grand Commander of the Temple


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Also known as Sovereign Commander of the Temple of Jerusalem. It is a Grade notably Templar and somehow introduces Grade 30 -. Kadosh Knight, giving the impression that they are continuing 
the Order of the Temple was one of the most rich, powerful and famous institutions of his time, because besides the spoils of war acquired in battle against infidels, yet received the blessings of the powerful. 
's Order was coded and organized by St. Bernard and the beginning of its existence had the alliance and collaboration of the Church and as a consequence with the blessing of many monarchs. 
King of France, Philip the Fair, agreed with Pope Clement V, and coveting the riches accumulated by the Templars, the Order determines the order the confiscation of its property and the arrest of its leaders. 
Jacques de Molay, then Grand Master of the Templars , was tortured and condemned to the fire of Inquisition. In his agony, Jacques de Molay cried movingly: "Nekam Adonai, summon the King and the Pope to appear before God within a year." In the same year, both died! 
Biblical part of Grau goes back to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem by Zerubbabel, saying that the legend was formed Commanders of the Order of the Temple for transmission initiatory mysteries of the Israelites. The Work of the Grade 27 develop into a chamber called the cut. 
Communication Degree is made ​​through a long interrogation of Laws, as referring to the powers of an incorporated nation. After the interrogation, the recipient makes his Oath and receive the mysteries of the Degree.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés 27
Ornamentation of the Temple of the Grand Commander of the Temple

The shop is decorated in red with black columns. In each column there is a light. In the East there is a red canopy with black tears. At the Altar, which is covered with a red cloth, are a sword, a scepter and a holy book. At the center of the temple is placed a candlestick with 27 lights. The Brothers occupy seats around a round table. The Degree has no Hebrew characteristics. 

Insignia of Grand Commander of the Temple

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Apron - The Apron is red, lined and edged in black red. In the body, has a key surrounded by a laurel wreath. In Abeta has a Teutonic Cross. Some authors report that the color of the apron is white, lined, edged in black, with the same design described above. 
Tape - Tape red, edged with black and a pending Teutonic Cross. 
Paste - all bring a white, fringed necklace red, with four on each side Teutonic embroidered red crosses. Collar hangs the jewel of the Degree. 
Jewel - Jewel of the Grade is a golden equilateral triangle, having written the letters INRI 
Gloves -. Brothers wear white gloves lined and edged in black 
President, Mighty Grand Commander, wears a white robe and a red cloak. Also uses the ribbon, apron, collar and the Jewel as their other brothers.

Grade 28: Prince Adept


Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Gr_cofarm28g
Also known as Knight of the Sun, is a highly hermetic and cabalistic, complicated and always transmitted by Degree Initiation. 
's not always the subsequent Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite are a continuation of the previous. Most often Degrees are completely independent, although with some exceptions. In this case there seems to be a further continuation of the Grade 22 - Knight of the Royal Axe and Degree 26 -. Scotch Trinitarian 
Degree aims to demonstrate that God is not manifested Pure Reason and God is manifested Nature itself, and that is the Great Secret the passage of the invisible to the visible, in the opinion of Nicola Aslan. 
Grau The legend goes back to the Garden of Eden, the Earthly Paradise that was quoted in the book of Genesis. The Candidate Degree refers to the Truth, the Cherubim and sylphs. The quest is the great secret which should make the Reason prevail on Earth. 
Rituals In the most complete development of the Grade gives into four chambers, namely: the first is a cave, the second is lined in black, the third is lined with red, and the fourth, blue. 
President representing Adam, the one is the Truth Vigilante, seven members are the Cherubim that form the Council and five brothers are the Sylphs. The Cherubim represent the Planetary Archangels and the Sylphs are elemental spirits of the air.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Grau28
The Cherubim, ruled their planets and colors are:
Miguel - Saturn - Black 
Gabriel - Jupiter - Orange 
Uriel - Mars - Red 
Zaraiel - Sun - Golden 
Hamaliel - Venus - Green 
Rafael - Mercury - Blue 
Tsafiei - Moon - Silver
The Cherubim are the Planetary Archangels, also known as Malakins and are of the Jewish mystical tradition. The Malakins bring a sword, for they are the Guardians of the Shrine. At the Altar of each there is a lamp of its planetary color. 
should remember that these were the planets known in antiquity and for astrological and cabalistic Sun and the Moon effects are also considered planets, although there are actually a star and satellite. 
's name Knight of the Sun is an allusion to the deep consideration that Freemasonry has for the greater glory of the Creator. It seems that just as the sun provides the four seasons in nature also affects mental and spiritual man, who happens to be their spiritual stations. It is, however, clear that the degree of Prince Adept or Knight of the Sun is not a mere object of irrational and idolatrous worship of the Sun, but a form of worship to nature, which is the Truth Manifested. 
Initiation Degree in Prince Adept takes place in a cave, which is lit by a spotlight placed the East, symbolizing the sun, which is covered by a veil. The ceiling of the cave is the starry sky. 
At the center of the Temple, the shrine is placed seven smaller altars representing the seven planets, in which sit above the Archangels Governors. At the entrance of the Temple, is on one side and the other a dove, a raven. Also, northwest, a framework of double-sided. One of them is the Star of David with a sun at its center and one of the names of Jehovah; in the other there is a laurel wreath bearing at the top and a ribbon bow at the center a winged heart. The southeast is a picture representing a portico, where the Good Shepherd rises seven steps with a lamb on his back. The Speaker sits near the Throne and the Board of Esmeraldas has in its possession. The Board of Esmeraldas is the synthesis of the works of 
Hermes Trismegistus. As we saw, the President is the title of Adam, Father of Fathers, and brings in hand a blue scepter with a golden globe. The neck has a blue ribbon from which hangs a jewel that is a Golden Sun. There is only one Warden, Brother Truth, which brings to the neck of a ribbon which hangs a triangle with an eye in the center. Brings the hands on a white bat whose end there is a golden eye. 
Initiation For the Degree of Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept, the Temple is only lit by colored lamps of Malakins. Candidates, Brothers of the Grade 27 - Knights Commanders of the Temple are considered children of darkness and prepared in the lobby by Master of Ceremonies, which explains the declarations that have to pay. 
Upon entry, between columns, candidates hear the message that the President sends to them about the esotericism of the Sun. Finda a message, a candidate is conducted to the Throne which is presented as an idealist fighting for the side of good. Then follows the presentation ceremony of the seven candidate Malakins. There is a dialogue with each of them and the affixing of a vestment of its planetary color, and at the end of the presentation the candidate is dressed seven colored robes, with hands tied and his head covered by a black veil. 
Thus it is led to between a dove and a raven, which hears the explanation of the Speaker regarding the Works of Hermes Trismegistus. 
then the Neophytes provide their Oaths and the Master of Harmonies performs the Anthem of the Sun or appropriate music. 
After brief voiceover late President, the Neophytes are coated their insignia and receive the mysteries of the Degree.
Ornamentation of the Temple of Prince Adept

In the earliest rituals, it seems that there was no specification of the decoration of the Temple. In more modern decor we have described above, but there are few stores that decorate their temples ritualistically for each Grade. Generally, numerous adaptations and modifications are made ​​the same. 

Degree of Insignia Prince Adept

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The President wears a red robe and is covered with a yellow blanket. Brings hands a scepter surmounted by a golden globe. 
Bro Truth (Vigilante) brings a white cane with an eye at one end. Some Rituals cite that uses a blue necklace which hangs a jewel that is a triangle with an engraved eye. 
Cherubim (seven members of the Board) use a white ribbon, in tow, in whose tip there is a painted or embroidered eye. 
Cherubim do not use originally Apron, although some rituals cite the use of a white apron trimmed with silver fringe. 
's Sylphs use a tunic with a dark apron. On the head, a blue cap and a yellow ribbon. The other members use only one drop to the neck by a golden chain Sol. 
Rituals There it says that all members of the Lodge wear tunic, hat on head and cutlass in hand. 
Jewel of the Degree is a gold triangle, having an eye in the center recorded.

33 Sovereign Grand Inspector General

Grade 33: Sovereign Grand Inspector General

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Grade 33 is the last level of the hierarchical escalation of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. It is a Management Degree and his teaching does not include any legend, it comes more of a kind of final coronation of the previously traveled path. It is a way to graduating from Rite. 
was on May 31, 1801 that began Calico and invested seven Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, creating then in South Carolina in Charleston, Mater the Supreme Council of the World. 
A rigor is not granted Grade 33, as is done in other Degrees of the Rite, but rather invests up the candidate in Grade 33, this endowment which occurs in Solemn Session of the Supreme Council, presided over by the Sovereign Grand Commander.

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Decorating the Temple of the Supreme Council

And decorated in purple, with skeletons and bones painted or embroidered in silver. The shop is called Supreme Council and the President represents Frederick II of Prussia. 
's East is a five time steps, where the throne of the Sovereign Grand Commander, which is under a canopy also engalonado purple and gold. Under the Canopy highlight a nine-pointed star formed by the arrangement of three golden triangles interlaced, modeled on a transparent. The tips of the star we find the letters that form the Latin word Sapientia and at its center is inscribed the Hebrew tetragrammaton Iod He Vau He. 
Opposite the canopy there is a two-headed eagle of golden color that holds a sword in its claws, in which there is a banner that reads the Latin expression MEUMQUE God Jus, which translates as:. "God and my right" 
. About the heads of the eagle there a golden crown and radiant with the Hebrew letter Iod triangle at its center 
Flanking the throne are 32 (thirty-two) representative banners of 32 degrees preceding the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, in the colors of each.

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33 banners in order. REAA
Ahead of the Throne is an Altar lined Triangular carmine. 
Throne of Lieutenant Commander in the West is under a canopy of purple embroidered in gold. In front there is a drawing of a phoenix, reborn from fire, and over the flames are the letters INRI. Underneath there is a white band with Ordo Ab Chao Latin expression that means "Order Out of Chaos." Still in front of the Throne of Lieutenant Commander there is also an altar covered in purple, who holds the Book of the Law and this one crossed sword. The Book of the Law is open in the Gospel of John. Lieutenant Commander is Felipe de Orleans. 
To the right of the altar there is a representative figure of a skeleton holding in his right hand the banner of the Supreme Council and the left hand one dagger in attack position. On the opposite side is the Altar of Perfumes and beside her a container of mercury, where candidates will dip their hands during Inception. 
's Temple is illuminated by 11 lights. Five in the East, three in the West, two in the South and the North.

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Temple prepared for the Grade 33
Panoramic View of Initiation to the Grade 33

The Endowment in Grade 33 takes place in formal and Solemn Session of the Supreme Council, presided over by the Sovereign Grand Commander. The candidate enters the temple barefoot, and with a lighted torch in his right hand, led by the Grand Master of Ceremonies, by a rope that is tied around her neck.Makes turns between the Altar and the Throne of Perfumes and dips hands in mercury. Whenever passes against the Throne makes a stop where you messages are transmitted by the Sovereign Grand Commander. Then provides his Solemn Oath and kiss three times the Book of the Law and the Sword, being consecrated and coated, or rather invested in Grade 33, getting the hands of the Sovereign Grand Commander of the range, the Jewel and the Faith.
Insignia of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General

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Excerpt of the endowment
The degree does not have all the Main Apron and Inspectors General wear a white band, edged with gold, having at its end a rosette with gold fringe and a loop of white ribbon.

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The front face of the band, which is used in tow, from right to left, presents the design of a Teutonic cross and two daggers pointing to a center in which lies on a radiant background golden triangle inscribed with the number 33. According to some authors, the color of the rosette is green and yellow;according to others, is white, red and green. 
's Jewel is a black, double-headed and eagle with outstretched wings, holding in one claw Sword and having a crown between the heads. 
A Teutonic Order is a red cross on another gold, with rays silver and white background. In the center is a circle containing cross and is used like a mandatory award. 
Jewel Another representative of the Grade 33 and faith. This is a gold ring, double, having the face of a triangle with the number 33 engraved on its center. Found in the inner side recorded the Latin expression MEUMQUE God Jus, the name invested in Grade 33 and the endowment date.

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Great Judge Comendador


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Grade 31: Great Judge Comendador

The Grade 31 or the first Consistory of Princes of the Royal Secret, also known as Inspector or Inspector Inquisitor Inquisitor Commander, is a distinctly religious Grau, reminiscent of the Book of the Dead Egyptian culture. Although considered a Management Degree, has none of that, and in fact, as we shall see, the esoteric content, saving a Gnostic doctrine. After the ritualistic opening of works, you hear outside sound of a horn, causing the Conde Real (President of the Court) determine the Provost to make the verification of what is happening. 
This is Knights Kadosh (Grade 30 ) intended to be met at the Santa Veheme Court to seek justice and to participate in it. 
Knights Kadosh complain about the situation of the Knights Templar and the murder of Jacques de Molay, and then admitted to the precincts of the Holy Veheme Court. Below is a dialogue on the topic judicial crimes, numerous characters being mentioned during the conversation, including: Commanders D'Aumont and Harris, Alberden, Walter Clifton, Roberto Bruce, Larminius, Clement V, Joan of Arc, John Huss, Savonarolla, Giordano Bruno, Vanine, Bolet Etienne, Calas, La Barre, Charlemagne, Oton, Frederick II, Henry IV, Gregory VII, and others. Still speak to us Courts Damned - the Inquisition, the Court of the Netherlands Blood, the Star Chamber of England and the Revolutionary Courts of France.Injustice of judicial crimes is highlighted, as crimes against freedom of conscience, thought and political crimes, leaving it clear that the story barely registered the most resounding cases, but undoubtedly many cases were anonymous. 
ago at the end of the dialogue, consideration flattering to justice practiced by the Holy Veheme Court. Remember that the Judgment Scene of Osiris is not the judgment of Osiris, but a judgment made ​​by Osiris. Osiris is not judged. You judge! 

The Santa Veheme

It should say something about Santa Veheme much said in the Ritual of the Grade 31 and several times previously spoken. From every point of view, the Middle Ages was a period of darkness for humanity.Many heinous crimes were committed in the name of political ideals by despotism and even in the name of God, as was the case of the Inquisition. Was condemned by the ideas and thinking and obscurantism crimes and mistakes were rife. To combat the real crimes against God, Law and Honor, Charlemagne or Charles I of the Franks established a Court of Santa Veheme, where exaravam rapid and extreme decisions. 
Over time the Court of Santa Veheme misrepresented themselves, falling illegality, considering that some continued to operate underground. 

decoration of the Temple of the Great Honorable Judge

The Temple is a court, which is supported by eight white and gold columns. Has the title of Sovereign Court, divided into two chambers: a. Court Judges and the True Temple of Justice 
is the first chamber and the throne before him a table, and upon it a sword, a rope and a balance. 
Chamber In the second, the background is a statue of Themis, mother of Equity, Law and Peace, who is a goddess of Greek mythology. 
There is also a painting of the Judgment of Osiris, covered by a veil. Briefly, the Judgment of Osiris is as follows: After his death, the spirit of the dead is conducted by the Solar Barge, performing at Justice Hall, in the presence of Osiris, to make his confessional narrative. After this act, your heart is placed in a dish Balance of Osiris and the other is placed an ostrich feather, symbol of the Goddess Truth. The weighing is presided over by Osiris and Horus and Anubis verified by. The weight is recorded by Thoth and Osiris pronounces sentence, Isis and Nefites watching it behind Osiris. 
If there is an acquittal, the soul of the dead is absorbed by Osiris; otherwise the soul will be devoured by the monster front watching the whole scene. Participate in the episode described eight characters and the legend is very detailed in the Book of the Dead. 
's Court is lit by 30 bulbs in three groups of ten, the East, the West and in the center, each group arranged in equilateral triangle formed by rows of candles in four, three, two and one. The Themis Greek mythology is considered the Goddess of Justice and appears in many depictions blindfolded, symbolizing the impartiality of Justice. Brings hands the sword and the scales. 

Insignia of the Commander Grade of Great Judge

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In Grade 31 Session of the Brothers do not wear any apron. On visits to other shops Degrees can use a lower apron Degree or visited a white apron, abeta bringing in one Teutonic cross. Also wear a white collar, embroidered with a radiant triangle inscribed bringing number 31 pendant, one Silver Jewelry, which is a Teutonic cross.

Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret


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This Degree, belonging to the series of so-called Administrative Degrees, has military connotations;therefore Templar features. 
Legend of Grade 32 goes back to the formation of an army to recapture Jerusalem and there build the Temple quarter, as the previous three had been desecrated and destroyed. The forces arrayed should be stationed in Naples, Malta, Rhodes, Cyprus and Jaffa. The combatants would be gathered and put into action by the roar of cannon fire desfechado by the commander. This legend comes from the Rite of Heredon, more precisely in Grade 25. 
Grade 32 is a kind of recapitulation and condensation of all preceding Degrees, in a kind of preparation for the 33rd and last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. According Rizzardo the Camino, the purpose of the Grade 32 is to form stronger, more enlightened men who aspire to individual work, directed to the common good.

The Panel's Degree

It is a slight comment on the Panel of the Sublime Degree Knight of the Royal Secret, Sovereign Prince of Freemasonry, which enfeixa representative symbols of all degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, representing the camp, which is detailed by the Speaker, during the Ceremonial Initiation Degree. It is a enneagon that circumscribes an heptagon, which in turn circumscribes a pentagon, in which is inscribed a triangle with a circle in the middle and a St. Andrew's Cross in the center of this. It is a group of six concentric geometric figures. On each face of geometrical figures presented we find representative symbols of the various degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, as follows:
At each outside surface of enneagon there is a tent with a flag, and the angles thereof greater flag.Each stall is a full camp and is occupied by the Masons Degrees of 1-18, or are: the Symbolic Shops, Lodges and Chapters of Perfection. As for the heptagon, formerly represented the camp of the Princes of 
Lebanon. In current Rituals is empty. At each angle of the pentagon there is a flag representing the camp of the Council of Kadosh, Degree 19:30. 
circle camp in the Grand Inspectors General, and in the center of this, at the intersection of the arms of the cross of St. Andrew, is the tent of the Sovereign Grand Commander.
Temple Decoration for Grade 32

The Temple of the Consistory of Sublime Knights of the Royal Secret, Sovereign Princes of Masonry, is lined in purple. Upon the Altar of Oaths, which is also lined with purple, are the Book of the Law, the Book of Constitutions, a threefold golden triangle. In the center of the Temple is the Panel's Degree representing the camp, briefly described above. The Throne is in the East under a canopy of purple and about seven steps. Also in the East is the Crypt, with representations of the nine avatars of humanity.
According to some authors, the Temple is lined in black, interspersed with tears, skeletons and bones silver embroidery.

Panoramic View of Initiation

After the introduction of Neophytes in Temple Speaker recounts the legend of the same grade and all the provisions and the meaning of the tents and their components as well as Kabbalistic meanings of Degrees precedents that are explained in summary, to then enter the Neophytes Crypt. Behind the Throne, the bottom of the temple lies the Crypt, isolated by a veil. Inside there are nine columns with about a meter to a meter and a half high, surmounted by busts of figures that make up the Crypt, namely: Confucius, Zarathustra, Buddha, Moses, Hermes Trismegistus, Plato, Jesus and Muhammad. In the ninth column, which is in the center, there is a star that symbolizes Tomorrow, and avatars representing the future of all the beliefs and hopes of mankind. 
Each of the nine characters makes a brief lecture to Neophytes, with deep philosophical and esoteric content . Are the voices of wisdom from the past and the intuition of the future. After, there is a brief dialogue invoking the Grades 30 and 31, finishing with touches of modern psychology, when such parents are the same, Emerson, William James and Maeterlinck. Here are the Oath of Degree and the closure of the session. 

Insignia Used by Grade 32

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The apron is of white color lined and edged with red and trimmed with gold fringe type gal. In the body of the apron is embroidered the summary table of the 32nd Degree In panel Abeta is one Teutonic cross embroidered in red and edged in gold and flanked by two groups of three flags, blue, red and gold, two of each color side by side. Surmounting this 
symbol there is an eye on radiant background. 
Collar is black and edged with silver. Has one Teutonic cross embroidered with a double-headed eagle in the center. The lining is red and has a tectonic cross each side. Collar hangs the jewel is a gold Teutonic cross with a double-headed eagle inside, with claws and holding a sword with triangle chest, which is inscribed the number 32. 
President of the Consistory wear a real uniform in red silk. However, currently, the common rituals advocate full Masonic costume, ie black suit and white gloves.

Última edición por Admin el Jue Ago 28, 2014 10:44 am, editado 1 vez

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Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Empty Knight of Kadosh Heredom Grade 30

Mensaje por Admin Jue Ago 28, 2014 2:25 pm

Knight of Kadosh Heredom (Grade 30: Knight Kadosh) 

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Heraldic shield the degree of knight kadosh

Grade 30 - Knight Kadosh or Knight of the White and Black Eagle or Grand Inquisitor or Large Elected, closes the series of the Philosophical Degrees, ie Degrees granted by the Office of the Council of Kadosh, ranging from Grade 19 (Grand Pontiff or Sublime Scottish) to Grade 30 (Knight Kadosh). Degrees comprised of between 19-30, are granted by Initiation Grades 19,21,22,29 and 30; others are transmitted by communication.

The Degree of Knight Kadosh (30) presents a Triple Initiation: 1st - Initiation Degree Knight in the Temple; 2 - Initiation Degree Knight of the White and Black Eagle and 3 - Initiation of the Degree Knight Kadosh. The example of the Grade 9 (Elected Knight of 9), this level is also dedicated to revenge. Only this time the motive of revenge is not legendary, is historic and truly existed. It's murder, the fire, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar - Jacques de Molay, by order of Pope Clement V and King of France, Philip the Fair. Hence, the presence of the papal tiara and the royal crown in two of the skulls from the sepulcher. The Degree of Knight Kadosh Degree is a distinctly Templar.

Ornamentation Store

Shop The Knight Kadosh is divided into four chambers, which are called, respectively, Sepulchre, Council and Senate Areopagus.
The Sepulchre is a sort of Chamber of Reflection, adorned in black and lit by dim lamp pendant ceiling. Contains a coffin covered with black cloth and the cloth, three skulls. From left to right, the skulls are respectively crowned with the papal tiara, with a laurel wreath and with an ornate royal crown of fleur-de-lis. Represent the pope
Clement V, Jacques de Molay and King Philip the Fair. There is also the following sentence: "Whoever wins the terrors of death ascend beyond the earthly sphere and will be worth Started the Great Mysteries."
The Council is adorned with white and contains three altars: one with the statue of Minerva (Wisdom), another with a casket of perfume and on the other jar with alcohol lit, illuminating the chamber. Pendant ceiling, a two-man, white and black eagle with outspread wings, (insignia of Frederick II of Prussia, creator of Degree).
The Areopagus, decorated in blue with stars, contains a table decorated with cloth of the same color. This table sit the Great Watchers and the Speaker. The Grand Senior Warden holds a golden hand of justice and the Speaker holds a dagger. Sides of the House take seat riders. This chamber is lit by three candles.
The Senate is decorated in red and contains the Canopy and the throne. In Canopy find new double-headed eagle with a dagger between his claws. There is also an armed white dotted with red crosses and black tent. In the Senate found the Mystical Ladder.
Currently, the facilities and modifications imposed on the Rite, the four chambers are merged into one, the red, which has all the symbols found in the other.

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Insignia of Knight Kadosh

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Apron - According to some authors, there is no apron in Grade 30 Others report that Knight Kadosh Apron is black, edged with white and body a Teutonic cross in red with the number 30 in the center.
Tape - Black fringed by white fringed and studded with silver, two Teutonic crosses, the double-headed eagle and the letters CKH. The Jewel is a double-headed eagle over a Teutonic cross.
Outfit - Uses an open white robe sides. The President brings to brace a dagger with the handle of ivory and ebony. It also brings the head, a hat, with the front raised and attached to the body by a hat-shaped band silver and gold sun rays tab. In this clip are the lyrics Ne A. and in the center, an eye.
*** The Knight Kadosh is a Freemasonic Degree or initiation ceremony performed by certain branches of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. It is the thirtieth degree of the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction for the United States of America, for the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada. The Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, at the moment, do not confer a degree titled "Knight Kadosh". Instead, his thirty-Grau, is titled as "Chief Inspector".

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Coat Current

The word "Kadosh" is derived from the Hebrew word "קדוש" which means holy or consecrated."Kadosh" and "Knight Kadosh" is often abbreviated in Masonic documents or acronyms such as "K-H. '. and 'K'.. K. '. D.'. H ".

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Another model heraldic coat

The earliest engraved portrait of a "Knight Kadosh" in its degree, can be linked to the Council of Emperors of the East and West in 1758 This council, united in various Masonic degrees, was carried out in Paris in the eighteenth century in France. . The "Knight Kadosh", or originally, "Illustrious and Grand Commander of the Black and White Eagle, Grand Elect Kadosh", was part of a complete set of twenty-five degrees or degrees governed by this Board. The "Knight Kadosh" was the Twenty-Fourth Grade complement. 

In 1801, the first and oldest Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite was founded in Charleston, South Carolina. This body approved many of the degrees of the Council of Emperors of the East and the West, including the "Knight Kadosh". The Grade "Knight Kadosh", was adopted as the thirty-Degree and was simply titled "Knight Kadosh". The degree received a substantial re-written in the 1850s, when Albert Pike was the Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States.Furthermore, it was revised in 2000.

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stretch of the ritual of philosophical degree of kadosh

A different degree of Knight Kadosh way through a ritual, not authored by Pike, was for many years held in Masonic Jurisdiction of the northern United States, headquartered in Lexington, Massachusetts. However, in recent years, the Degree of Knight Kadosh was discarded by that body completely.

Like all Masonic Degrees, the Degree of Knight Kadosh, tries to teach beginning of a series of moral lessons through the use of allegory and symbolism. The official description of the lesson portrayed in Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite for the United States of American version of the Degree of Knight Kadosh is as follows:

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"The lesson of this degree is to be true to ourselves, to defend what is right and just in our lives today. Believe in God, country and ourselves."

The Degree of Knight Kadosh is sometimes accused of being anti-Catholic. In the edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia of 1918, states that, at the ceremony in use in the Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the United States, intended to have been written by Albert Pike, the Papal Tiara is trampled during iniciação.Esta statement does not appear in no subsequent editions of the Catholic Encyclopedia, despite having been repeated by Father William Saunders in the Arlington Catholic Herald, in 1996.

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Nor Catholic Encyclopedia or account as Father Saunders agrees with the ritual of Pike, which includes any way, stepping or hitting a skull and no mention of Papal Tiaras.

No livro de Pike, intitulado Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Moral e Dogmas do Rito Escocês Antigo e Aceito Rito da Maçonaria), faz menção a hostilidade à Tiara Papal pelos históricos Cavaleiros Templários, quando se discutia o Grau Kadosh; No entanto, este é o comentário de Pike no Grau e não faz parte do Grau em si.


Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Kadosh

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Symbolic Degrees of the 33 that make up the Scottish Freemasonry ( Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite ), the functions of the last 3 summarize all past, such as the 30 summarizes the post.Indeed, the Grade 31 has the function to maintain the regularity of the Masonic social action, ie, to inspect on restricted exercise of  landmarks  or "rules" by the shops along the profane world;the Grade 32 ensures the regularity of the "Real Secret" inside the shops, ie, ensures the maintenance or obedience to the rite prescribed in accordance with General Constitution; Finally, the 33 degree is the Supreme Court of the Masonic Order or dome ensuring good agenda for Shops for the profane world, and the good order of jobs within and between stores. Only the Grand Inspector General of the 33rd Degree is who can decide to give the "last word" on decisions of shops about what goes on outside or inside them, this, for example, on the acceptance of new members within the Fraternity, or eradication, the expulsion of those who by words and acts have proved unworthy to injure her morally and physically.

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The pair of ritualistic degree ladder

The  30th Degree of Grand Elect Knight Kadosh  or  Knight of the White and Black Eagle  is exactly the Rites, the maintenance of law and of Rites, which later last 3 Degrees, constituting the "Masonic Court" in principle approve the exercise in stores. The  Kadosh  are therefore the "Templars" of Freemasonry.

That goes well, fits perfectly with its tradition, a theme that brings me here, I repeat, after being asked several times to develop from friends and acquaintances correlated to that of the current recognized Tradition Initiation of the Ages.

Being "current recognized" by  incognito Superiors  of Freemasonry same, or are the 49 Independent Fans of the  Great White Lodge , then these last four degrees from the Scottish, and a fifth, correlate as follows to the Sublime Planetary Hierarchy dome directive:

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It is therefore in the Grade  Kadosh  that all subsequent and previous degrees from the Scottish meet. Is that why its motto is  Nec Plus Ultra , "nothing beyond". In fact, there is nothing further than the Eternal Law, embodied by Manu ( Vaisvasvata ) with the Planetary Hierarchy, which came to derive the laws or  landmarks  of the Masonic Code designed to make a fair and Mason especially a perfect Workman Human new building, ie, a Humane Society in the Universal Concordia finally reign in the bosom of the people. It has to do with the legend of the flag of the 30th Degree -  Ordo Ab Chao , "The Order out of Chaos". What led me to previously (utter in Dogma and Ritual of the Church and Freemasonry , Dinapress Editora, Lisbon, September 2002, p 131.):

"Over the Philosophic Degrees (19 to 30) of Scottish Freemasonry, under the patronymic of Kadosh  (Hebrew, "Holy, Consecrated"), this "Knight of the White and Black Eagle" logo, or two-headed  androgynous , he expressed covertly the Kadoshim  or Hooded Builder ( Adept Real ) of Kaleb , being highly initiatory Kadosh motto:  Ordo Ab Chao , "Order out of Chaos". In this case, is the  chaos  preceding the  cosmos , that is to say, the  Treva  (Arcanum XVIII, "The Moon" - Black Color Grade) where there will be leaving the  Light  (Arcanum XIX, "The Sun" - Colour White before, Red Grade), or otherwise, the  Pralaya the preceding  Manvantara , the Cosmic Sleep before Universal Activity. But how many elements of this guild persist in remaining lunar, apásicos or apathetic to the Great Light ( Maha Sun  , or Freemasonry in free interpretation), it will behoove them before:  Ordo Ab Chao  - "Chaos out of Order" ... All the Anarchy , anything by synarchy? Do not! Before,  ORDO AB ​​CHAO ... ALL BY synarchy, NOTHING BY ANARCHY! "

So that the  Kadosh  are present in the mine of all initiatic Orders and Secret as part of the legitimate maintainers Templar Priests or the same, forming the Plan Subjective ("Space Bound") and subjectivando Objective Plan ("Space With Limits ") through the sublime mechanics of Ritual.

As "Consecrated Santos, Pure" (Hebrew  Kad-osh-shin , who gave in the Ka-che-  causing  Kadosh ), so do not fail to express symbolically, but in origin were really the "Brethren of Purity" transhimalaios these covert  -Bhante Jauls  who are fans of the Sublime Perfect White Lodge, with one of them, "the disciples of BJ" fallen tragically in the failure of the Royal Initiation for three consecutive Tragedies topped a fourth (Golgotha ​​- Tibet - France Lisbon ... Augusta Street), as the original impact Tragedy Atlante they became, really, "Sons of the Widow", ie cosmogonicamente Earth separated by dense veils of  Maya  lunar, the direct influence of the spiritual sun, which coincided with the beginning of  Kali-Yuga , "Dark Age", and the "widowhood" the Soul of the Earth of his Universal Spirit; antropogonicamente and retreating to the final days of Atlantis, the  Kadosh they were before Princes  Sabaoth  because of origin  Sedote  or  Badagas  ("forbidden fruit" of unlawful sexual union of gods with the daughters of men, which is described in  Genesis  in the Bible and also allegorized medieval legend of  Melusine ), part of them, instigated by ALUZBEL, the "Archangel Disgusted", revolted against the LAW established by MANU ( Chakshusa ) 4th Race of Mother Atlante and allied himself to  Assuras angry , that they also they were going to rob the 5th Capital City and this Continent, which resulted in the death of their king, Mu-ISKA, and widowhood of his Queen, MU-ISIS also perishing the Son of both RA-MU. Since then  defeated Kadosh  (777) bear the ominous epithet of "Sons of the Widow", imposed on them by other  winners Kadosh  (111), or that "against all odds", remained faithful to the  Law , the following her Masters  Sabaoth ("Divine Warriors", where  Jeohvah-Sabaoth  or  Zabaoth , "Army of God") to the shrine of the Worlds lapidary Underground, the  Badagas , which have since gone to live, jealously keeping with the whole "Divine Science" or Forbidden  to ordinary humanity. Race one got back and a continent in mortal throes under the billows executioners of ideas and animalistic passions nabalescas ...

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Luzbel1

If profane history knows little of it, the truth is that Initiatique History knows this very well and so much more ... even by stopping access to sources that are sealed to that, being originally from the profane.

Should I, after all, anticipate that the Atlantean Race received the Divine Redemption on 4 October 1937 by the rightful owner, ie, the Exalted Luzeiro Akbel in its sixth Avatara HENRY JOSEPH DE SOUZA, Racial Karma getting this resolved once (even though its "dismal echoes" extend for some time), and some time after the "disciples of Bhante-Jauls" ("Hope Traixu Lama", in the words of the eminent Helena Petrovna Blavatsky) also obtained the Redemption or end your Triomphe ("Win the Throne of God") at zero hours of March 23, 1963, thanks to unprecedented sacrificial efforts of the same Luzeiro Love this time giving findados for millennia and millennia of personal sacrifices in favor of his Court in favor also of humanity.

So that the true  Kadosh  - the heart of  Black Freemasonry  and  Occult to be the same  superior incognito  - Instructive are the Ala (SCHOOL) and Priestly (TEMPLE) of  Freemasonry Universal Constructive Three Worlds strategically disseminated by the World (THEATER), being organized in and 22 Temples 33 Initiatory Orders Secret of which is on the cusp of the same, ie, in Northern India ( Srinagar ) and  Brotherhood of Traixus-Marutas , so even keeping a special bond  Jina and Jiva Supra-Human, and Human, to 17 o Universal Temple of  Sintra  and 13th but Sovereign Order Covert  Mariz  (founded by 12  Kadosh  round of a 13 ... as happened to the Knights Templar, with 9  Kadosh  and more the "Old Man of the Mountain" with its Women Counterparty and its Two Columns Vivas, the same thing happened before in the Desert Tabernacle and later in Solomon's Temple, among the Hebrews).

Historically and in the case of Occult Orders, Masonic, and given that all orders are Initiatory Secret of Human origin, starting with internalized as "tingling Human enthusiasts", they are represented in four phases (corresponding to the same periods of the Earth thus also reflected in the Scottish 33 Degrees). Here's how:

1st) The Masonic Cycle had its beginnings during the construction of Solomon's Temple, so a typical Hebrew phase and hence the origin of  Kadosh this period, which is already known to be much older, deeper and wider.

This phase corresponds to Grades 1-14, which is to say, the value of 14 Creative Hierarchies, divided into two groups of 7 -  Hierarchy of Divine Ray and  Ray Primal Hierarchy . Therefore, the Arcanum 14 takes the initiatory sense of "Perfect Balance".

2nd) The Christian Philosophy, based on Cycle of the West, in its Christian Era. Freemasonry functioning as coverage of the New Civilization. So the traditional cities of the Christian cycle have names  Bethlehem  (Birth of Christ) and  Jerusalem  (Death of Christ), or are possessed of the initials of the two columns of the Temple of Solomon:  Bohaz  ("Rigor") or  Bhakti  (" Devotion "), and Jakin  or  Jnana , both terms, Vedic and Hebrew with the meaning "Knowledge". Consequently, Love and Wisdom  is as it must have to be able to enter the shrine of the Temple, the "Holy of Holies" ( Sanctum Sanctorum ) where lives  the Law , the  Manu , the actual manifestation of the Divine Ray 1 form of  Shekinah .

This period corresponds to the Grades 17 and 18, yes, the fusion of East and West, promulgating the  Oriens Ex Umbra  and the  Ex Occidens Lux !

3rd) The Initiation of  Kadosh ,  Kadoshim ,  Kodesh  - Grades 19-30, since the Kadosh  are the directors of the Supreme Rites are who feed and move from North to South and from East to West Science Theurgic the  Merkabah , "Car" or "Body of God".

4th) The components of the Grand Councils - Grades 30 to 33 in certain Orders Grade 33 falls to be higher in evolution. Can only occupy him the King of Kings,  Melki-Tzedek , King of Salem (Shamballah ) and Priest of the Most High ( Logos ), or who do their times, of course, properly invested for both the regularity of Masonic Initiation.
The 1st point is the confirmation in the person of  Zadock , 1 High Priest of the Temple of  Solomon, this coeval Sage King and his Illuminated Architect, Hiram Abiff .  Zadock , whose Hebrew name meaning is the same as  Kadosh , instituted Great Temple in the monotheistic worship of the One God and expressed in Real Astro King (legacy of Atonismo of  Akhenaten  brought from Egypt by the Hebrews during the Exodus), which released its "Ray Solitaire" Life by planet king or larger system that is  Jupiter , hidden in kabbalistic word  Jeohvah , "bioplastic expression of the Cosmic Man."And Theurgy of the Psalms of David, Solomon's father, was heard in the temple, this "static expression of the same Cosmic Man", and perhaps more than all of Psalm 104: "It constituted him Lord of your house, and Prince of all he had; for this light to their large as himself, and teach Prudence to their elders."

As High Priest,  Zadock  began a lineage well your in the  Zadokitas that initially only 12 were chosen or elected, for their gifts of intelligence and virtue, to advise him on "House of the Lord Israel "(ie, Ishwara  -  Ish -Ra Elli  - as the Supreme Logos or "Royalty of Isis" -  Isis-Ra-El ) in their divine services, so were the early  Kadoshs  or the biblical period. Are the same "Great Enlightened Sages and Wise" the aforementioned Psalm 104, which is to appeal to respect the good priests and all who possess the Divine Sun -  Praise the Lord, invoking His Name ...

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Templo-de-salomao12

Such was the importance of  Zadokitas  or "Elect Priests" of all Israel, as  Kadosh  or "Holy Priests and Wise Teacher," which soon occupied the primate of the same place, and whom everyone recognized the merits of the Holy Spirit ( Shekinah ). It even gives news the  Messianic Rule , insert text in  the Dead Sea Scrolls , which was translated in 1955 by D. Barthélemy in  DJD , I (Oxford, 1955, pp 107-108.): "This is the rule for all congregation of Israel in the last days, when you join [Community cami] nhar according to the law of the sons (spiritual) of Zadok (or Zadock), priests, and men of their Covenant, which moved away [from] the way people men of his Council who keep His covenant in the middle of iniquity (ie, the Righteous,  Tzedek ), offering expiation [to Earth]. " And elsewhere: "All Sat. [bios] the congregation, educated and intelligent men whose way is blameless and men of talent, along with the heads of the tribes and all magistrates judges, and heads of Mil [Cem, ], II and Ten Fifty, and the Leviathans, every man in [cla] iff their duty; these are the men of renown, the assembly members convened for the Community Council in Israel before the sons of Zadok, the Priests ".

So that, as "Head Tibes" or the Temple of Supreme Triad Milich-Ha-Shaddai  or  Io-Ur-Shalem  (which is  Jerusalem , yes, but as an external expression of  Salem  built, the very same  Shamballah  or eternal dimension of Melki-Tzedek , the Supreme Lord of the World Stave Celeste and holder of the Flaming Sword, representative of Spiritual and Temporal Powers, the Altar and the Throne, finally, the  Pax et Lex , which gives it the prerogative of  Mikael  - Quis Ut Deus  - Archangel Temple Guardian of Israel and their religion), there are 12 Kadosh , divided into 3 groups of 4 riding her custody or forming "circle of strength", from which we have:

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And so, essentially, the Grand Elected Knight Kadosh is the Minister, or Priest  Goro  's  King of the World , whose Mission Initiation of bringing the East to the West Primordial Tradition no longer be prescribed at a given step in Excelsa  Yoga Akbel , which says: -  We vibrate harmonically intense and, now, with heaven, earth and the Interior Place of the Gods. As we represent the Potentate of the West, we are also connected to the Principality of the East, or by Omphalo Center of the World - Shamballah!

Soon the  call of God , in the Ritual  Odissonai , said: -  O At-Ha-Kadosh, Ancient of Days, Spirit of the Ages, Conductor Merkabah Golden Times in Ronda, Melkitsedek is your body, and Shekinah, three times Santa Light, your soul is sent from Salem, Shamballah, the man this time, the New Temple of Solomon this your Great West. Ex Occidens Lux!

This 30 Degree of  the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite  is the 24 of the  Rite of Perfection , created in 1758 which are of considerable importance in the Ibero-European Masonic World, however for the Supreme Councils of the United States of America it is one of those that provides for simple communication, which is a human error Grasso and Grasso still greater spiritual error, disabling the full enjoyment of Power Grade only initiatory transmission can provide, since even this necessarily imply a Ritual of Initiation specific, as prescribed in the legislation is indeed very Masonic.

Meeting these my words are those of José Claudio Castellani and Buono R. Ferreira ( in  Heraldic Manual of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite  -  From 19 to 33 ., Madras Editora, São Paulo, 1997, p 45), when say:

"As the word  Kadosh  means "holy," "sacred," purified ", the  Knight Kadosh  is the true Elect, man par excellence, purified and cleansed from all defilements. It is thus the maximum Initiation Grade Scale, since the later are considered administrative. Therefore, your complete Initiation is threefold, comprising the Degree of Illustrious Knight of the Temple Knight of the White and Black Eagle and the Grand Elect, symbolizing this way, the triple aspect of cause and effect through essential the whole scale of the Rite. After trained in its Master and fully integrated in the Cosmic World, he can indulge in meditation and inner action, communicating, others elect future, the paths of Reason, Wisdom and Love. "
Indeed, this is the last Grade Philosophical, it is assumed that, in principle, the Mason to reach it is a spirit  Elected  or  sanctioned , which has to do with the word  Holy , as such is  Cleansed  (Kadosh ) and soon, in minds and hearts enlightened, naturally consider the Masonic works especially divine thing, in truth and essence are.

Express the way  Bhante Jaul-  (from Sanskrit  Bhante , "Worshipful Master", literally as greeting, also meaning "Master, Lord, Brother," and Jaul  or  Yaul , "Illuminated, Cleansed, Purity"), by its sense of  Purity  akin to the  Kadosh , is the  Pure  ( Katter , where  Cathar , Provencal, whence came the Portuguese names  Catherine  and  Costo  or  Costa ), is  chaste , though chance is not necessarily  celibate . So that they should not confuse chastity  with  celibacy . That is an essentially interior layout, and this outer coat. A bachelor may be a sinner but a chaste, no. Not knowing or not wanting to separate one from the other condition is that the social policy of the Church has wanted to import a secular society the interests of multivariate own rules of good mosteiral functioning, ie, intending to transform human society in a huge space with monastic strict religious rules subject to the sanction of the church, no more no less, which can only result in failure and consequent demoralization of rigid moral rejected  a-priori  by the social collective.Still on the hybridity of self-inflicted  celibacy , spurious adaptation that hagiographic legend of "chastity belt" ( cingulum castu ) given to Thomas Aquinas by two angels, such ecclesial vote but did not sacramental one of those who practice sterile  at the words Sacred Scripture: "Love and multiply". If the Dictionary of the Portuguese Language  celibacy  ( caelibatu ) "is the state of bachelor who does not want to marry" in any way, contrary to what most think, it is synonymous with  chastity , because one can not be a chaste celibate as a bachelor is not always chaste.Chastity does not necessarily imply physical, sexual inhibition, but always involves the establishment of rules of actions, emotions and thoughts expressed consciously  as the best, most positive man has, and it is this sense of the word  chaste  ( castu ) in Dictionary of the English Language: "pure, innocent, unalloyed". Thus, the  chaste  one on earth is done  Agnus Castu  or "Innocent Lamb" who "takes away (by  example  instilling) the sins (karma) in the world, "and this production truly spiritual condition, it is one celícola  or "inhabitant of Heaven "this same earth.This is, after all, the state of being the true master and true Disciple, Bachelors chance at predetermined moments, certainly always chaste at all times, that is, true  Agnus Castus  in the image and likeness of the greatest of the Kadosh , the  Christ Universal , like all  avatars ,  Messiah(Messiah) or even the  Spirit of truth  that this world has stemmed from the Second stopped heavenly throne of God.

Being the 30th Degree of the Big Election (mainly spiritual, ever see), it is mirrored in the ruling planet of  Kadosh , ie Jupiter ( Tzedek , Hebrew, "Fair"), whose lower aspect is  Saturn  and whose Unlike movement both came to lead the  swastika  Vedic (in Portuguese,  Swastika ), symbolizing precisely Divinity in Action:

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This conjunction of 1 and 7 planets of our System of Universal Evolution (Jupiter and Saturn) takes the name in aghartino, ASGA-Laxa,  Asga-Lacha , Asga-Vatza  or  Asga-Ladack , and has precisely the meaning of "SPLENDOR OF HEAVEN", which represents the Movement over and under the earth, therefore, the action of  Pramantha  or  Cruise Locomovedor Cycle of Evolution  into manifestation in the Second and Third thrones in heaven and on earth, under the impulse of unmanifested the First Throne.

Jupiter  expresses the Second Generation on the Throne, Spiritual Generation or the highest point of view. Hence the expression of Professor José Henrique de Souza: "The Tetragrammaton as ideoplástica expression of the Cosmic Man, who is Jehovah, JOVE, JUPITER" ...

Saturn  expresses all that has to do with the Bosom of the Earth, the Third Throne. Hence SABAOTH, SABATH, SATURDAY, saturnine, SATURN expressions ...

Joining  Jupiter and Saturn  have the word ASGA-Laxa, "Lord of the Two Worlds Government", the Celeste and the Earth, which is worth Melki-tzedek or CHAKRA-Varti on Earth, but that being ASGA-Laxa in Heaven is Akbel!

So that for  Jupiter and Saturn  the  Kadosh Degree  awarded them their symbols of the Eagle and Ladder d'Ouro, about what Rene Guenon says ( in  The Esotericism of Dante , Publisher Vega, Lisbon, 1978, pp 31-32. ):

"As for the two other symbols, there is no mistaking the the" Kadosch Templar "; and at the same time, the eagle, that classical antiquity has attributed to Jupiter, as the Hindus ascribe to Vishnu, was the emblem of the ancient Roman Empire (which reminds us of the presence of Trajan in the eye of the bird), and remained as the Holy Empire. The sky Jupiter is the place of the "wise and just rulers",  Diligete justitiam, qui terram judicatis ( Paradiso , XVIII, 91-93), correspondence, and all that Dante gives to others heavens, entirely explained by reasons astrological; and the Hebrew name of the planet Jupiter is  Tzedek , which means "fair." As for the "ladder of Kadosch", we talked about it: being the sphere of Saturn just above Jupiter (on the scale of Involution or "Descent of Spirit into Matter" as  Pravritti-Marga , I say), we arrive at the foot of this ladder for Justice (Tsedakah ) and its top by Faith ( Emounah ). This symbol of the ladder seems to be Chaldean origin and have been brought to the West along with the Mysteries of Mithras; Then there were seven steps, each being formed of a different metal, in correspondence with the planets of the metals;On the other hand, it is known that the biblical symbolism also appears in Jacob's ladder, which, uniting earth to Heaven, has identical meaning. "

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Indeed, the dual ladder of Kadosh (Involution and Evolution,  Pravritti  and  Nivritti Marl ) allows the gradual elevation of man to reach the spiritual communion with heaven (Jupiter), having descended to earth and fulfilled experimentation (Saturn). The seven steps or plans necessary for this increase are represented symbolically on one side, the left, the seven liberal arts of the Middle Ages, and the other by the theological virtues to which comes through those Arts and Sciences.

The steps on the left are, from bottom to top, representative of Grammar , the  Rhetoric , the Logic , the  Arithmetic , the  geometry , the  Music  and  Astronomy . On the right are, from bottom to top, in Hebrew:  Tsedakah (Justice),  Schor Laban  (White Boi = The Spirit in search of Truth, Purity), Mathok  (Sweetness),  Emounah  (Faith),  Amal Saghi  (Great Work) ,  Sabbal(Penance, patience),  Gemoul-Themounah-Binah  (Understanding Reward-Intelligence). The ladder on the left is  Oheb Kerobo  ("Who loves another"), and to the right is  Oheb Eloha  ("Whoever loves God").

It again Rene Guenon ( in  The Symbols of Sacred Science , Publisher "Thought", São Paulo, 1993, pp 294-296.) to utter about the symbolism of the ladder, with the entreparêntesis my comments:

"This meaning is clear in the biblical symbolism of Jacob's ladder, in which the angels descend and ascend (Monads Monads Patent and Powerful). And we know that Jacob, at the place where he had the vision that ladder, put a stone (called  Lusa ) that "erected as a pillar," which also was a figure of the "World Axis", thus replacing, in a sense, the own ladder. The Angels properly represent the higher states of being; therefore, they also correspond, more in particular, the steps, which can be explained by considering the ladder with his feet planted on the earth, ie, which for us is not necessarily our own world, going constitute the "support" from which the rise should be performed.Even assuming that the ladder extends underground (pay attention to the spirit of these words, Kadosh  symbol or virtual but real chance purport to be!), to understand the totality of the Worlds should be like in reality, your bottom would anyway invisible (or hidden), as occurs with beings who have attained a "Cave" located on one level, as a central part of the tree that extends behind it. In other words, having already traversed the lower rungs, no longer fits consider them in fact with regard to the subsequent realization of the Self, which can only intervene in the course of the upper rungs.

Escudos y Mandiles del rito Escocés Subter1

"That's why, especially when the ladder is used as an element of certain initiatory rites, its steps are explicitly considered as a representation of the different heavens, ie, the higher states of Being.'s So, particularly in the Mysteries of Mitra, the ladder had seven steps, related to the seven planets, and which, it is said, were made ​​with metals corresponding to each of these planets; the route of these steps represented the successive degrees of initiation. The ladder of seven steps is certain initiatory organizations in the Middle Ages, from where he undoubtedly more or less directly, to the Scottish High Degrees of Freemasonry, as we have said on another occasion the purpose of Dante. In this case, the steps are related to the "science", but that, at bottom, it makes no difference, because, according to Dante himself, the "science" identifies the "heavens" (in  Convito , t. II, ch . XIV). Clearly this mode to match the higher states and degrees of initiation, these sciences could only be traditional, understood in its deepest and properly esoteric sense, including those whose names sciences, to modern and due to the degradation that we cited repeatedly designate only profane sciences or arts, ie, something that in relation to the true sciences in reality is nothing but an empty shell and a "waste" lifeless.

'In some cases also, the symbol is a double ladder, which implies the idea that the increase must be followed by a further decline; then up-on the one hand, the steps that are the "science" that is, by degrees of knowledge that correspond to the performance of many other states, and becomes down, on the other hand, the steps that are "virtues", ie, the fruits of these same degrees of knowledge applied to their respective levels (ie the human level where the Initiate acquires Divine Science and possessed it down their virtues to communicate them to his confreres of the Order, ie, as already Initiator;. spiritual level, descends to Earth as unconscious as Monad Monad and rises to heaven conscious Therefore, both forms of ascent or descent and ascent and descent, are correct at the Grade Ritual, albeit that the is the most human level itself). It can be furthermore noted that even in the case of simple steps, one of the amounts can be considered as somehow "upward" and the other as "downward" in accordance with the general meaning of two cosmic currents (which are  Prakriti , the corresponding decrease Matter, and Purusha , the Spirit related to the rise), right and left, which correspond to the two amounts because of their own "side" situation regarding real axis (the World Axis,  Axis Mundi , represented in Ecuador, and the Eagle Rite own "Kadosh" which appears on the ladder, sometimes being figured by a Winged Serpent which thus will indicate the Grand Elected as being in fact that is being raised inside the fire of the Holy Spirit Creator -  Kundalini  - and evolado Winged Angel as the highest heaven, and then volver limbo Earth by love, compassion for his brothers still in "darkness" ...) that, although invisible, not really ceases to be the main element of the symbol to which all parties should always be referred to if we are to fully understand its meaning. "

Being considered this degree of vengeance against the King and the Pope (Clement V and Philip IV) who sentenced to death the old Templars and especially its  Grand Kadosh  or Borgomundus Master Jacques de Molay, so it is ordinarily understood by Masons and profane. With this appearance will see the sign, the password and the sacred word of the 30th Degree, or be: squarely feet and hands raised over head, fingers except thumbs together, forming a triangle with the skull to the center (another symbol of Grau, representing Death, Immortality and Wisdom needed to achieve the same immortality) while pronouncing the sacred word -  Nekam Adonai , "Revenge, Lord." Longer the password, used as a response at the entrance of the Knights Kadosh, is  Nekam Menachem  - "Revenge Comforter" (cf.  2 Kings 15: 14-22).
But, in truth, revenge will be the  Kadosh  about yourself, to kill your "lower" or better, align it, integrate it into the "higher self" at the same time it helps in social transformation and spiritual world (which is allegorized by the King and the Pope), thus leading to the transformation of its Karma in  the Dharma  and the consequent legal integration in "Universal I", which is Paradharma , Thus helping the man to become more human God and more God by working on this integration levels of Life and Consciousness that even the largest of humanity are simply inconceivable, but leave not be  Mahaparadharma , yes, the "Great Universal Duty" in compliance.

With this, the  Kadosh  "revenges" of himself, of past tragedies he and part of your level caused by burning once the  Karma , the "Debit" contracted, while 'revenges' and' killer 'profane institutions as the killer truly is Spiritual, logo, Initiation, ie, turns them inside. And this was what King Dinis made ​​in Portugal, to avenge the Order of the Temple criminally murdered and corrupted by the Priestly Powers Real, through the creation of the Military Order of Our Lord Jesus Christ-which would transform Portugal, the Europe and the World irreducibly on the March of Human and Spiritual Progress during this Gesta Henriquina  13 Grand Kadosh  that was the Infante Henrique de Sagres (I or JHS).
Therefore, the meaning underlying the 30 Degree revenge is not reduced, nor has meaning to revenge the murder of the medieval Templars and the continuous attack exacerbated institutions and official religions. Who knows that sharing anything Masonry and certainly ignores these expressive words of José Claudio Castellani and Buono R. Ferreira ( in  ob cit.. ): "Although the degree is associated with vengeance, this is not actually physical, but yes, the truth against error, of love against hatred, the Spirit against matter, following the route of Alchemy Mystic, present in earlier grades. The skull pierced with a sword is a graphical representation of revenge."

Or how would Fernando Pessoa in his  Identity , written by himself in Lisbon on March 30, 1935: "Always have in memory the martyr Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars, and combat, always and everywhere the part, his three killers - Ignorance, Fanaticism and Tyranny ".
What is revealed in the triple  Tau :

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As for the clothing prescribed for  Knight Kadosh , he uses track and apron (this is currently little used in the Shops Degree), taking the band inscribed the initials "CKS" meaning, of course, " Cavaleiro  K ado S h "; are also used the initials "CKH" - "Council of Kadosh Heredom" (alluding to the Rite of Heredom , origin of the High Degrees). In black apron, trimmed with white, a cross Teutonic taking center number 30 is inserted in red.

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Under the old instructions, the President of the Office or Shop - "Great Venerable Sage Master" - wore a black robe, open laterally, shaped dalmatic, embroidered in white; modern rituals banned this garment, recommending the use of tuxedo or black suit, which the traditional point of view affects or harms overall seniority choreographic Degree. In addition, the President brought in waist, the main object of  Kadosh : a dagger with an ivory handle and ebony. More than having a sense of hurt vindictively, the dagger or dagger refers here to the primate sense of Degree: The Axis of the Masonic world, and consequently the center of Mystic Kadosh , the Heart, and the blade hurt him and other, figuratively, that is, the unerring Word or Word Elected directed to the heart of the next, piercing, opening, illuminating your soul by gentle breath of Love and Wisdom.

Several traditionalist authors such as Nicolas Flamel, identify the dagger, as a miniature of the sword, the Philosopher's Stone, not just the path to it, so the symbolism of "Caliburna" or "Excalibur" spiked in pure rock equivalent to possession of own Philosopher's Stone. This identifies to the description in the sacred text where the sword is compared to the "Logos," "the Divine Word sharper than a two-edged sword" (who rewards and punishes another that). - See Bible, Hebrews , 4, 12 Flamel, in his  Livre des Figures Hieroglyphiques  (. Reissue work of the fourteenth century Denoel, Paris, 1970), says about his espatária prerogative: "This naked sword, splendor, is the Stone to White, so often described by philosophers in this form. " For Kadosh , it is not only the instrument of purification as the expression of perfection attained own. It is the  Pedra Branca , the supreme aim of Hermetic Philosophy.

Such  Whitestone  pointed to the Venerable Brother, already party to the shores of the Gods, in full towering downtown São Lourenço do Sul Minas Gerais, Brazil, to be ahead  Flaming Sword figured there the same as  Assuras , Arkites  or  Tax  the Eternal Melki ! -Tsedek ... As a tool of purification is equivalent to the sword called "Fire of the Philosophers," and thus found is marked by Abbot Dom Pernety, the eighteenth century, in his Dictionaire Mytho-Hermetique  (redição Denoel, Paris, 1972): "Sword : it is the Fire of the Philosophers, as well as launches, etc. ". Now the Fire of the Philosophers is the Primordial Breath of the Eternal Fire as the primate act of Creation, so being Purifying and regenerating before, Transformer and Excelling par excellence. And this is the natural element of the  Templar Kadosh.

Fernando Pessoa also showed a special interest in this 30th Degree of Freemasonry, so that referring to the Ritual of Initiation, in your estate (54 A-53) document reads: "We have swords because we are knights, robes rite because we are priests, hoods ensure hidden because we (men). " Hidden or masked men are the adepts Perfect, Men Representative or  Kadosh , to "consecrated" to the Work of the Eternal in the Face of the Earth.

Moreover, as another proof of esoteric affection of Fernando Pessoa to this degree, possessing him a copy (which until recently was in her sister's home in Cascais) the work of AE Waite, Emblematic Freemasonry  (London, 1925) stressed a note (on page 208) where it is said that "the sword and the dagger are symbols of wisdom and intelligence, in Masonic Ritual of Knight Kadosh."In fact, the sword, even for the "vulgar" Mason started, means both Honour (Knight) and Wisdom (the Holy). And so she, the  sword  (Hebrew  mizla , "flaming sword"), then surpassed in distinction by  dagger  (Greek  athame , Pali  purbha , both with the same meaning of "tongue of fire"), it is natural to implement the Templar Kadosh.

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So that it is not playing the 'Martinist rituals »walking each hooded like" mysterious incognito' even know that all partakers with each other in a degraded expression of parody of true Initiation, as has been seen in certain spells psychic wrapped in the appearance of maçonismo, which seem to always give the worst and most dramatic results ...

This brings to mind the masterful work of Miguel de Cervantes,  D. Quixote de la Mancha , social satire on the decadent spirit of the old Cavalry, in which the "Knight of the Sad Countenance" carries ridiculous and crazy to present only what happened in the past, eventually indistinguir both times, despite Sancho Panza, his good conscience, go advising the best he could, trying to bring him to reason. Here is the current picture of the psychosocial environment of the numerous sects templistas. Therefore, Dr. Mario Roso de Luna was perfectly right when he uttered: "Although it is Jina Literature Knightly, it is still dangerous for some boys read books Cavalry, yes, because they take them to the letter, are confused and cause the greatest madness "...

Concerning the attire, President Store  Kadosh  took the head a black slouch hat, however, having lifted the flap on the front, serving you to lug a silver sun, streaked with gold, placed between the letters "N" and "The "( Nekam Adonai ), and having an eye in the center. It's all to do with the symbolism Baphometh  Templar, ie the skull illuminated by Wisdom who is the reservoir, which corresponds to the  Chakras Coronal  (hat) and  Front  (Sun) as the dagger is associated with the awakening of the "Centers vital "  Throat (Words of Degree) and  Cardiac  (dagger).

Officers Council chamalotado use a black collar, edged with silver, and embroidered in purple at the apex, one double-headed eagle (allusive Man in the Real Union - where  Raja Yoga  - Soul with Spirit, and God the Father and the Cosmic Mother, so the state of Perfect Balance or the Primordial Androgyne), holding a dagger in the jaws; this eagle has, on each side of a Teutonic Cross purpura (alluding to St. Mary of the Teutons or Germans, whose Order was to create the Germanic Holy Roman Empire intended, in principle, the implementation of synarchy in Northern and Central Europe, under the direction of Kadosh Teutonic  survivors of the bloody extinction of the Order of the Temple). The suspended by jewelry necklace is a silver double-headed eagle, with outspread wings, holding a dagger in the grip and enhanced over a Teutonic Cross of red enamel.

The Knights bring a black band with silver fringe, in tow, left to right, expressive colors of its title in this grade is full legitimacy: "Sons of the Widow." Anterior face will be painted or embroidered red, two Teutonic crosses, plus a crowned and the initial "CKH" double-headed eagle, whose meaning already given. According to ancient instructions also wore a red sash at the waist with a dagger suspended (in the manner of the ancient  Assacis  Lebanese who walked intimate relations with the Templars) and the black slouch hat, having lifted the front flap and secured by the Sun Silver described above. This, however, is no longer included in modern instructions, which is very unfortunate because it was imposed, certainly by prejudice, an unholy garb frankly the original initiatory, which reflects and leads have been lost or forgotten the primate sense of the Temple: place apart from all profane allocations, as a space for true fulfillment, personal and collective.

The suspended band in tow, jewel is a dagger of sheet steel and cable oval, half ivory and half ebony (Material from Lebanon, which relates again to the "Old Man of the Mountain,"  Sheik Al-Djabal , "The Lord Almighty," and his Knights  Assacis , whose part of the  Druze  spiritual heirs are today). The administration of the  Council Kadosh  uses, beyond this range, another abdominal band, edged with silver, which somehow will replace the apron.

Currently, the work developed in only two chambers: the Red Chamber , for reception, ie Initiation, and the  Black Chamber , intended to Council Officers: Commander or Grand Master (Eminence ), Prior and Preceptor ( Eminent ), representing precisely (although today is almost entirely ignore) MANU, the BODHISATTVA and MAHACHOAN, and a scale above the BRUMAS THREE CELESTIAL SUNS or Mercurial.

The Truth presents itself, finally, like all Universal Law, through polarity. There have always been two sectors in the guidance of the World: a Templar type (expressed in initiatic Orders), maintainer of the Inner Self of each; keeps the Faith, which will be illuminated by knowledge, but becomes religiosity, belief in, fanaticism ... for lack of necessary clarifications. The other type is MASONIC Sector, is realized through the Occult Orders, Secret Societies, which provide coverage to the first sector. Secret Society because it does not teach everything you know or, in other words, only teaches knowledge to those who are prepared to receive them. In Christianity, for example, there is the clerical aspect that started with Peter, and there are all known orders, doing political coverage, maintenance ... But everything evolves, so will assume other aspects as the development of human conceptions.

In transhimalaias traditions, points out: KING OF THE WORLD with its two columns are the Supreme Advisors of FREEMASONRY OF TRAIXUS-MARUTAS, these are universal maintainers CULT Melki-Tzedek.

With the right hand toward heaven and the opposable thumb to Earth, unlike many chaotic greetings were instituted by the decadent ideologies of the old cycle declined, it should pay greater homage to the Exalted and most Worthy of All Manufacturers:




Vitor Manuel Adrião,  Dogma and Ritual of the Church and Freemasonry . Publisher Dinapress, September 2002, Lisbon.
Vitor Manuel Adrião,  Secret History of Brazil (Flos Sanctorum Brasiliae) . Madras Editora, 2004, São Paulo.
Community Theurgic Portuguese,  The Mystery of Traixus-Marutas , No Handouts. those  96 and 97, Integration Series.
Sebastião Vieira Vidal,  QSG Series  and  Series French Revolution Cycles and the Work .
Yvett K. Centeno,  "Episodes / The Mummy": A key poem for the study of Hermeticism in Fernando Pessoa .  In  Persona 1 , published by the Center Pessoa Studies - Faculty of Arts of Porto. Port, in November, 1977.
Orlando Soares da Costa,  Freemasonry Adonhiramita - Initiation Real , vol. III. Publisher Europe, 1999, Rio de Janeiro.
Orlando Soares da Costa,  Freemasonry Adonhiramita - Mysteries of History and the Evolution of Human Consciousness , vol. IV. Publisher Europe, 1999, Rio de Janeiro.
Geza Vermes,  The Dead Sea Scrolls , 2nd edition. Aeschylus and Issues Multimedia Ltd, August 2006, Lisbon.
René Guénon,  The guesswork of Dante . Publisher Vega, April 1978, Lisbon.
René Guénon,  The Symbols of Sacred Science . Thinking Publisher, 1993, São Paulo.
Crata REPOA  or  initiations of the ancient Mysteries of Egypt Priests . Translated from the German by Ant. Bailleul, Paris, 5821. Editions Axis Mundi, 1989, Paris.
Jean Palou,  Symbolic Freemasonry and Initiation . Thinking Publisher, São Paulo.
Joaquim Gervase de Figueiredo,  Dictionary of Freemasonry . 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, 1974 Publisher Thought, São Paulo.
José Claudio Castellani and Buono R. Ferreira,  Heraldic Manual of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (from 19 to 33) . Madras Editora, 1997, São Paulo.
Rizardo of Camino,  Kadosh (from 19 to 30) . Madras Editora, 1998, São Paulo.
Rizardo of Camino,  Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (1 to 33) . Madras Editora, 1999, São Paulo.

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