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A New Chapter for the United States and Cuba ** Recordando cuando se arrió la bandera norteamericana en la Embajada habanera
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A New Chapter for the United States and Cuba ** Recordando cuando se arrió la bandera norteamericana en la Embajada habanera
A New Chapter for the United States and Cuba
On January 4, 1961, U.S. Marines Jim Tracy, F.W. "Mike" East, and Larry C. Morris assigned to U.S. Embassy Havana lowered the American flag outside the embassy for the last time. For 54 years, the soldiers’ warm affection for the Cuban people never wavered. And neither did their belief that, one day, they would reunite to raise the flag again.
On August 14, 2015, these three U.S. Marines reunite and join Secretary of State John Kerry to re-open the U.S. Embassy in Havana, Cuba. Watch this video as they reflect on the past and look towards the future.
Los tres Marines que izarán la bandera estadounidense en Cuba
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